As someone who voted for Al Gore in 2000 (he liked hydrogen cars, what can I 
say?) I don't believe it was corruption that won Bush jr. his election, but the 
idiocies of the electoral process. Hanging chads or accusations of Deibold 
voting machines not withstanding. Democracy, is not a thing most Muslims seem 
to like, or like the communists and the Nazis, appear to see it as a stepping 
stone to power and what they wanted in its ultimate form. What most governments 
today are not Republics-although the voting methods still are, we are 
corporatist governments. Corporatism is not just corporations, but something 
else. Please view Wikipedia's "corporatism" article its splendid because its 

What is lacking from this forum/thread is the awareness of the perfidies of 
socialism, as well as capitalism-a one way street. If we want to lambast 
capitalists for mass murder (and you guys do!) the look no further than 
Belgium's rubber plantations in central Africa. (sorry Bruno!) where 8 million 
Africans were worked to death, because of incentives offered by the Belgian 
government at the time-an incredible history there. Finally, the Nazis couldn't 
have gained power without the German communists cooperation with the SA, where 
as they began to stage street battles SA v. the Red Scarves in order to 
undermine Weimar, as being ineffective to make the streets safe.

For an intense look at the Nazi-Soviet ear, please consider reading Tim 
Snyder's The Bloodlands-Between Stalin and Hitler. Siding with totalitarian Al 
Qaeda, is also foolish, as their goals are Sharia Law worldwide. Secondly even 
is Saibal's   view is accurate (attack the military only) it wound up have the 
US push the Taleban from power, and the wars in the middle east gather so many 
fanatical jihadists there that it was a magnet for their destruction 
(unintentionally) because the US and Nato forces turned many of them into 
non-combative corpses-reducing the jihadist troops. Under Obama, with his 
policies-their fortunes have reversed. I am guessing they are planning some 
nasty surprises for the US, which will no doubt make Smitra all jolly.  

-----Original Message-----
From: chris peck <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Sun, Aug 25, 2013 8:22 pm
Subject: RE: The Nazi History of the Muslim Brotherhood

corruption in politics (US elections 2000) is good in hind sight because it led 
to democracy in Afghanistan and Iraq.

or one more up Saibal's street:

In hind sight the end of the Raj was a bad thing because it led to the 
partition of India and Pakistan, wars over Kashmir and nuclear friction.

There must be loads of counter-intuitive and flame worthy comments that can be 
rendered using Saibal's hokey logic.

We should give some monkeys typewriters and throw a banana to the ape that 
generates the best one.

all the best.

Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 15:01:27 -0700
Subject: Re: The Nazi History of the Muslim Brotherhood

On 8/25/2013 9:36 AM,      wrote:
If I think that: "With hindsight 9/11 was a good thing      to have happened, 
it ended up exposing the fascist Neo-Cons for      what they were.
    That's sort of like      saying it's good that the Nazi's killed all those 
people in death      camps because that exposed what a dangerous philosophy of  
    government Nazism is.
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