On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 2:01 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> You mean that you made many attempts to find a blunder, but we were more
> than three to show you that in each case, you were confusing 1-views and
> 3-views.

That was your one and only retort in our debate, no explanation just a
repeat of the mantra, you really should get a rubber stamp made of "you're
confusing 1-views and 3-views".  And yet I would humbly submit that there
is not a single person on planet Earth who "confuses the 1-view from the
3-view"; or at least nobody this side of a looney bin.

> >> a proof is built on the foundations of previous steps therefor it would
> be idiotic to keep reading a proof, any proof, after a mistake has been
> found.
> > This means you don't suspect errors in the sequel. Nice.

I have no idea if you made additional errors and I don't care, it doesn't
matter how strong the walls of a skyscraper are if it's built on top of a
mound of jello it's going to come crashing down. After an error has been
made in a proof everything that follows is just gibberish.

  John K Clark

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