On 6/27/2014 3:29 AM, Platonist Guitar Cowboy wrote:

On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 5:34 AM, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net <mailto:meeke...@verizon.net>> wrote:

    On 6/26/2014 4:19 PM, Platonist Guitar Cowboy wrote:
    But []~g in contrast... that's not even rational

    If you read it as "In every possible world g is false and g=Some God", it's
    irrational (unless g entails a contradiction).  But that isn't atheism.  An 
    says "g doesn't exist" and that's prefectly rational if g=Yaweh or g=Zeus 
or g=Baal
    or...  Which is why I said it depends on g.  If g is "some mystic unifying
    principle" then I'm agnostic about g.  If g is some vain despotic theist 
god, then
    I'm an atheist about g.

But then you are willing, in principle at least, to fight everybody with bullshit notion of god from your point of view.

Why? People who believe in the despotic personal god are willing to fight to spread the religion because their god commands it. They are also willing to commit atrocious acts to suppress heresy and unbelief because if one of their children fell away from belief they would suffer eternal torment. The Holy Inquisition was quite rationally justified give their beliefs.

So religious war becomes justifiable, in principle.

I'm not sure how "justifiable" goes with "in principle". "Justifiable", to me, implies balancing competing values. "In principle" implies some absolute extreme.

For me, no such nonsense is justifiable when invoking something not-justifiable. To pretend such is to fuel these irrational disputes. That's why this confusion between ~[]g and []~g is not fancy semantic splitting hairs.

It doesn't matter whether your god is a teapot or Zeus. Tells me nothing about whether you're relationship is weakly questioning or you're prepared to impose it upon others. ~{}g at least prevents, makes nonsensical any authoritative/manipulative/political move to impose it on others. Do you fight/work against Yaweh, Baal and the entire list you keep posting? Because that's quite a lot of deities to fight, where do you find the time? ;-) PGC

No, in fact I agree with Sam Harris that "atheist" and "agnostic" are not very useful terms. We don't call someone who thinks fascism is a bad form of society an "afascist". We don't call people who don't believe in Santa Claus, "aClausists".


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