On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 5:55 PM, LizR <lizj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think he falls into the same camp as Fred Hoyle - someone who manages
> to get something completely wrong

Fred Hoyle's Steady State Theory started out as a perfectly respectable
scientific idea, it turned out to be false but that's OK, it happens to the
best of us.
On the other hand Searle's ideas were never scientific and were clearly
idiotic from day one. Hoyle's real error was in continuing to support
Steady State long after new evidence made it clear that is was not true;
and Hoyle had other ideas that verged on the crackpot. But to be fair Hoyle
is also the guy who figured out how supernovas produced all the natural
elements except for Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Beryllium, and Boron. And
Fred Hoyle also wrote some of the best science fiction novels I've ever
seen, especially "The Black Cloud". Unlike Hoyle as far as I know Searle
has never done anything worthwhile.

> whatever a computer does is "just" the movement of electrons around
> circuits

And whatever a human brain does is "just" the movement of molecules and
ions around neurons. That word  "just"  sure covers a lot! If that proves a
computer can't be conscious then it also proves that humans aren't
conscious; and except for me maybe that's the case.

  John K Clark

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