On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 5:51 PM, LizR <lizj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Suppose for the sake of argument that in order to be conscious, people
> needed a Descartes-style spirit to be attached to their brains.

Then changes in the Descartes-style spirit changes the material world and
changes in the material world changes the Descartes-style spirit; so why do
you call this thing a "spirit"? What exactly makes it more unmaterial than
an electron or a photon or even a baseball?

> Then materialism would explain the experiences that this spirit had, but
> not the existence of consciousness itself, which by hypothesis requires
> this supernatural extra.

The sequence of "what explains that?" questions either comes to a end or it
does not. If it does come to a end then we might as well stop with
consciousness because the God hypothesis adds nothing new and is just a
useless complication, therefore we conclude that consciousness is
fundamental and thus after saying that consciousness is the way data feels
like when it is being processed there is simply nothing more that can be
said on the subject.

On the other hand if the sequence of "what explains that? questions never
comes to a end then the next element in the sequence is obviously "what
explains God?". Either way the God hypothesis adds nothing.

>> I can't comment on that, "comp" means whatever Bruno wants it to mean,
>> and that changes from day to day.
> > Here I respectfully disagree, he seems more or less consistent to me,
> give or take the odd ambiguity due to English not being his first language.

If Bruno is not fluent in English then he has no business inventing a new
English word. Bruno claims that "comp" is just short for computationalism
but I don't think even Bruno really believes that, if he did he could avoid
all this by simply adding a few extra letters but he knows he can't do that
because he is constantly saying things like "according to comp X is true"
when computationalism is saying nothing of the sort. Therefore Bruno has no
choice but to invent a new word in a unfamiliar language that means
whatever he wants it to mean.

> > But I have to admit that I have yet to grok comp in its entirety.

That is to your credit because there is no there there to grok

  John K Clark

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