Tell him to read my book, "Tronnies, The Source of the Coulomb Force",
available at


First a quick summary of how our Universe operates:


Tronnies are point particles with a charge of plus e or minus e, and  the
point focus of Coulomb force waves.  Tronnies have no mass and no volume,
but because of their charge they are the source of the Coulomb force which
expands out from each tronnie at the speed of light to fill our Universe
with speed of light Coulomb waves.  Everything in our Universe is made from
tronnies or things made from tronnies.


Three tronnies make an electron (with a charge of minus e) and three
tronnies make a positron (with a charge of plus e).  Two tronnies make a
particle I call an entron (with a charge of zero) but which  provides all of
the energy of our Universe and all of the mass of our Universe except for
the mass of electrons and positrons.  The tronnies travel in perfect circles
at a speed of π/2 times the speed of light inside the electrons, positrons
and entrons.  In doing so each tronnie is always located at the exact focus
of its own Coulomb force waves.  The attractive and repulsive integrated
Coulomb forces between the two tronnies in the entron exactly balance in the
diametrical direction to an endless number of decimal places, so entrons can
be stable for billions of years.  The entron diameter d'= 8.6665 X10-10
eVm/E, where E is the energy in eV of the entron or its photon.  


There is one entron in each photon and it provides the  photon with its
energy and mass (yes, photons have a mass equal to E/c2).  Gamma ray entrons
exists inside atomic nuclei.  Visible light and ultraviolet light entrons
exist inside atoms and infrared entrons exist inside molecules; and these
entrons can be and often are released as the corresponding photons.   


In a photon the entron travels in a circle at the speed of 2c and forward at
the speed of c.  Its circle in the photon has a diameter that is 911 times
the entron circle and the diameter of the photon circle is λ/1.5708 (i.e.
the photon's wavelength divided by π/2).  A very important entron is the
neutrino entron which has an energy of 9.28 X 108 eV and provides more than
99 % of the mass of each proton and each anti-proton and therefore more than
99 % of the mass of our universe.  The proton is comprised of an electron
that has captured a neutrino entron and two positrons.  The nucleus of the
hydrogen is comprised of a proton and about 15 gamma ray entrons which are
released when four high energy protons combine to make an alpha particle and
helium and some of the gamma ray entrons are released as fusion energy.  The
alpha particle is a combination of four protons, two electrons and some
gamma ray entrons.  The four protons are circling in the center of the alpha
particle and the paths of the two electrons extend beyond the paths of the
four circling protons, so at very short distances (but not too short) alpha
particles can be attractive to each other.  The nuclei of other atoms in the
periodic table are made mostly from combinations of alpha particles and
gamma ray entrons or alpha particles, electrons and gamma ray entrons. For
example, three alpha particles combine to make carbon 12 and four alpha
particles combine to make oxygen 16.  But beryllium 8 is unstable.  Coulomb
forces hold atomic nuclei together.  There is no "strong force", but at
these distances the attractive Coulomb force is very strong and exactly
balances the repulsive Coulomb forces.


Black Holes at the center of each galaxy continuously consumes portions of
its own galaxy, brakes down molecules and atoms to release their protons,
creates anti-protons which combine with the protons annihilating both of
them and releasing the neutrino entrons which in turn radiate out of the
Black Hole to provide the gravity of the galaxy.  Some neutrino entrons are
temporally stopped in stars, planets and moons and later released to give
those objects their gravity. Our universe was born in a Big Bang explosion
of a Monster Black Hole that had consumed nearly all of our predecessor
Universe.  At the time of the Big Bang explosion a few remaining galaxies
were barreling in toward the Monster Black Hole at many thousand times the
speed of light.  These remaining galaxies then continued through th regionof
the monster Black Hole spreading out in all directions at many thousand
times the speed of light to produce the inflation period of our Universe.
Our Universe will end in the same manner of our predecessor Universe.  It
all works perfectly.  No God is needed.  However, I have not figured out
where the first tronnies or the first Coulomb forces came from.


So now I can comment on God Matter.


Since Everything in our Universe is made from tronnies or things made from
tronnies and since tronnies are point particles which have no volume, 100
percent of our Universe has to be empty space.  We all know that most of the
space inside atoms is empty space.  However when we look very close the
space inside the nucleus of atoms and the space inside electrons and protons
is also empty space.  Entrons and photons are each two point particles.   So
our entire Universe is either Coulomb waves of focus points of Coulomb
waves.  But each tronnie is continually  producing Coulomb force waves that
spread out in all directions at the speed of light to completely fill our
Universe with speed of light Coulomb force waves.  And these point particles
combine to produce particles such as entrons, electrons, positrons, protons,
atoms, molecules, stars, planets, moons and people, all with mass. 


So you can tell your friend that all of the "matter" in our Universe is only
tronnies (each of which has no mass but is a focus of Coulomb forces) and
the Coulomb forces produced by the tronnies.  These tronnies can combine to
produce particles with energy and mass.  So I would say If you friend needs
a God in nature, He should be the Coulomb force or maybe the maker of the
Coulomb force.




[] On Behalf Of meekerdb
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2014 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: generalizations_of_islam


On 10/3/2014 10:20 AM, 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List wrote:

>>A lot of evidence for some God (like the god Matter), is not a proof of
its existence, still less so in front of complex open problems.


I have been having a very long argument -- on another list - with a man
whose intellect and mind I very much respect, but who is irrationally
attached to the notion of the god Matter. It has gone on for over fifty back
and forth posts and this person - who is intelligent and very aware of
events in the world and in the mind. a man who has had deep spiritual
experiences and is someone I generally respect.

But my questioning of the "need" for actual real stuff in the universe and
my pointing out that fundamentally all we know about the universe is
information we can measure about it and that it is information itself (and
information processes - i.e. computation)  that seems to be - and arguably
could be - fundamental. it hit a brick wall in his brain. There is just no
budging him on it and he has become quite heated in his insistence on the
existence of - as you put it god Matter. It keeps creeping up in the
arguments he puts forth as a given.

It is a difficult problem to even get someone to question whether or not
this "god Matter" is even necessary for the formulation of an explanation
for reality.

Matter is something not very well defined, even in physics.  It's roughly
fermions.  But fermions are thought to be excitations of a more fundamental
field.  That's why physicists like Max Tegmark are led to propose it's math
all the way down.  

But it's pejorative to refer to it as "god".  Nobody worships matter.
Physics textbooks don't have moral prescriptions derived from QED.  To call
it "god" is to give into Bruno's desire to make all fundamental science


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