On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 8:29 PM, John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 5:04 PM, LizR <lizj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> O'Brien knew that who controls language controls thought.  So peace is
>>> war.  Atheism is Christianity.  And "God" is whatever you want it to mean.
>> > Bruno has a specific definition of God,
> He says he does, but when you probe a little deeper you find that he does
> not. In fact he has specifically said and I quote " This is useful to
> realize that the question "is god a person or a thing" is an open
> problem.".  So when Bruno talks about "God" he quite literately and by his
> own admission doesn't know what he's talking about.
So I take it number theorists have no idea what they're talking about
either, because the Goldbach conjecture is still an open problem in their

> Specific definition my ass.
>>  > which is separate from all other definitions. He could have called it
>> something else
> He could have but he won't. Why? Because he is in love with 3 little
> letters, O and G and D, although not necessarily in that order.
>> > maybe "The One" would be clearer,
> It wouldn't matter if he did because Bruno still  couldn't not say "I
> don't believe in God I am a atheist", the words would stick in his throat,
> I find that a lot of religious people are like that.

What does "atheist" mean to you? That you reject the God of every religion
or only that you reject the Abrahamic conception of God?

At least answer this: Do you think there can be more than one possible
definition for god?


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