On 10 Sep 2015, at 20:55, John Clark wrote:

On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

​> ​I will answer your next post if it contains something new.

​Then I guess it contained something new.​
​>​>>​ ​that can be emulated in arithmetic as all computations can be emulated

​​>> ​Bullshit.​

​> ​No, it is a theorem in computer science.

​Theorems don't make calculations, physical microprocessor chips do.​

Physical computer are implementation, in the math sense, of turing universality by physical devices.

But number relations implement computations, in the sense of Turing.

​> ​computations, emulation are used in the original mathematical sense of Turing.

​Turing reduced a computer

A human computer, yes;

to it's essentials so we can understand how they work, no computer is simpler than a Turing Machine, but even a Turing Machine​ needs a tape made of matter and a read head that be changed by the physical tape and a write head that can make chances to that physical tape. ​

Does prime number needs paper to exist in the logico-mathematical sense of existence?

If yes, you are using some non-standard definition different from the people working in the field.

If no, just notice that the computations in the sense of Turing exists in a sense similar to the existence of prime numbers.

​> ​Those are arithmetical notion.

​Arithmetical ​notions​ don't make calculations, ​physical ​ microprocessor chips do.​

Arithmetical relations does implement computations. Indeed all universal system do that, and we know today that Robinson arithmetic is Turing universal.

​> ​The notion of physical computation is a different notion,

​Yes they are different, lots of people have made physical computations but NOBODY has ever made a non-physical ​​computation

Because BODY are physical. But a person can do a computation too, and they are not necessarily physical, and then number relations are not physical, and they can implement computations.

and there is zero evidence anybody ever could, although I can't prove nobody ever will.

You might read the book "Inexhaustibility" by Torket Franzen, which explains this with some details. The book of Matiyasevich shiws in all details how Dipohantine polynomials can simulate an arbitrary universal Turing machine.

​>>​There are levels in physical stuff like physical computer hardware, but there are no levels in computations!

​> ​What? This is just wrong. In arithmetic you do have a simulation of a fortran program elumating an algol program emulating a quantum computer emulating the game of life emulating ... There are arbitrary long chain of such simulation,

​And at the end of that long chain the answer you get when 2 is added to 2 is still 4, the exact same 4 you'd get if it was just calculated in your head; it's not a simulated 4 it's just 4 and it has all the properties of any other 4. But simulated water does NOT have all the properties of physical water and I'm still waiting for you to explain why not if arithmetic really is more fundamental than matter as you claim.

That is the whole point of the UDA. Physical water, like any physical stuff does not rely on one computations, but on an infinity of them, due to the First Person Indeterminacy. Once we look at ourselve or at our environment at a level below the substitution level, we find the *apparent* primary matter, which ca only emerge from those infinities, and a priori that is not emulable by a specific computer, although it has to be approximable, or we would not exist.

​> ​I have given the definition already, reread them, or buy a book in computer science.

​Definitions ​don't make calculations​ and neither do books​ , ​physical ​microprocessor chips do.​

Definition does not but relation does. Indeed a computation is a digital relation, and it does not depends on any physical assumption. Just read a book in theoretical computer science.

​>> ​Why can't a simulated water program get the computer wet?

​> ​Because you can't create primitive matter,

​A good answer or at least I can't think of a better one. If it's true then primitive matter must be more fundamental than arithmetic because it has something that numbers don't and can do things that numbers can't.

Numbers can share relations, and if we assume computationalism, numbers can share relations which implement any computation. So if computationalism is correct, the existence of the computation in your current brain which allows you to read this post is implemented an infinity of times through an infinity of number relations which exists in the same sense that the relation x < y exists. Then from your first person perspective you cannot distinguish, without doing experiments, if you are emulated in a block material universe (if that could exist) or in the block mindscape constituted by the (Sigma_1) arithmetical reality.

 ​> ​But Arithmetic can simulate water making wet a computer.

​Yes, but a computer can't simulate all wet computers, it can't create a wet computer made of real physical matter. OK now I'm going to do something I shouldn't and argue against what I just said.

A simulated-simulated computer could go up a level and make a simulated computer wet, after all neither involve physics (except that both are running programs on the same physical computer). Some might say that what looks like hardware to somebody on one level would look like software to somebody on a higher level, but I don't think things are quite as clear cut as that; a conscious simulated computer might create and start up a simulated-simulated computer but it can't know what that simulated-simulated computer will come up with anymore than we can know what our programs will end up doing.

That depends of which computation you emulate.

So the simulated computer and the simulated-simulated computer influence each other and there is no strict top to bottom ordering as far as cause and effect is concerned. And yet no computer program running on a real physical computer can make that real physical computer wet.

True. But non relevant for the point I am making. Note that what you say is even provable when we assume computationalism, as comp explain the existence of primary matter, without assuming it, and it proves that a priori that primary matter is not emulable: as it result from the non-computable set of of all relevant continuations here-and-now.

But maybe I'm wrong​ about that​, a program could make a physical computer wet if it were running on the right hardware, say a computer with water balloons inside set to burst if the simulated computer performed action X. Some would say that would be cheating

That would no more be a computation in Turing sense.

and it would be UNLESS our entire universe is a computer simulation, then to somebody in that level ​of ​higher ​reality ​than our own both the physical microprocessor and the physical water balloons would just be ​lines of program code. Of course the guy at that higher level would be pondering the same math vs physics question that we are and wondering if he wasn't a simulation too at an even higher level of reality.

​You keep saying you don't believe in fundamental primitive matter

I have never said anything like that. I keep my belief to myself. I just assume computationalism and then make mathematical deduction.

but the only way ​you could be right about ​that is if there is a infinite (and not just astronomical) number of levels above

I would use "below" but OK.

our own level each simulating the one below; because if there are only a finite number then the one at the very top would have to play by different rules and just accept the existence of matter as a brute fact that numbers can never explain or reproduce.

On the contrary, numbers cannot avoid it for logical reason, and thus can predict it, and verify it. They cannot simulate it, but they can explain why it has to appear to them. And the explanation is testable. In particular the logic of []p & <>t must have a quantization, and eventually that has been confirmed.

​>> ​if arithmetic really is more fundamental than physics I have grave difficulties in understanding why that arithmetic produced water should be lacking any attribute the physical water has, like the ability to quench my thirst.

​> ​It does not, except if you assume the existence of some primitive water,

 I don't assume anything but I do know 4 things for certain:

1) Simulated water can not quench my thirst.​

That is ambiguous. Once I was very thirsty, and lost in a dry place. I fell asleep and dreamed that I drink water and that gave me for a time the feeling that water was quenching my thirst. In that sense, simulated water can quench my thirst, of course not at the physical level, but this is already explain by comp, so no need to add a metaphysically existing primary matter, especially that at step 8 we see that it cannot plays any role related to any conscious experience (but I know you are not that far).

​2) Physical water can ​quench my thirst.
3) You can not explain facts 1 and 2 if numbers are more fundamental than physics unless there are an infinite number of simulated realities above us.

But it is a theorem that there is an infinity of level of simulation in arithmetic.

4) A simpler explanation is we don't live in a computer simulation and physics is more fundamental than arithmetic.

But this cannot work. But you need to grasp step 3 before I can explain more on this.

​>> ​why don't you just emulate that hardware in arithmetic?

​> ​That is not enough,

​That is what I suspect too, ​​the laws of ​arithmetic​ just aren't good enough to make matter because they're lacking something and that is the laws of physics.

Of course, but incompleteness, which is a theorem for all Löbian number, can already explain why numbers relations in general are *mucH more rich and complex than what the numbers can explain. Löbian machine (relative numbers) are completely aware of those limitations. It is the "miracle" of the universal machines: they do much more than what thay can explain. And that always get worse: the more a machine is clever, the more che can discover things, and the lesser she can explain.

For a real machine, the modal logic G grows; in the sense that his predicate is able to prove more and more arithmetical proposition, and thus G* grows too. But it can be shown that G* grows much more than G, and so the non-explicative gap G* \ G get larger when the machine develops itself reatively to its probable universal environment.

​> ​it must be emulated the right infinity of times

​I sometimes suspect that too. Either there are an infinite number of stages above our own or matter must be something very special and can do things that arithmetic could ​never ​do.

Which is the case. Good.

​>> ​I see nothing ​above ​performing any calculations, you're just writing first grade arithmetic problems in a different notation, and your physical brain caused you to write the above rather than 2+3= 2+1 or 4+0= 5.

​> ​Proof?

​Proofs don't make calculations,

Sigma_1 proof and calculations are the same thing. Like fortran calculations are the same as algol calculations. They are recursively equivalent. If interested I can explain the normal form theorem of Kleene which shows the relation between a proof of a true sigma_1 sentence and a (terminating) computation.

physical microprocessor chips do. I want an EXAMPLE, I want a example of a calculation made without the use of matter that obeys the laws of Physics.​

I gave one in the last post, but you confuse it with the sign used to describe it. It is hard here to progress without doing an introduction of the logic of name and mention. It is not that easy. I have already explain the main thing, but stopped as it became too much technical. I would be happy to proceed though.

​> ​to prove this, you need to assume primary physical matter,

​And to prove the nonexistence ​​of ​primary physical matter​ you must assume that we are living in a computer simulation and there are an infinite (and not just an astronomically large) number of nested simulations above our own.​

But I don't have to assume this, as it is a theorem in arithmetic, or in the model theory of arithmetic. Like I cannot prove that RA or PA or ZF is consistent in RA (or in PA, or in ZF, respectively), to study comp, we need more than RA. eventually, that is the reason why comp is a theology, the machine have to accept more than she can justify. Comp itself is like that.

​>> ​If you use a more common notation and write 2+2 =4 those ASCII characters are not performing a calculation either, they're just reporting to me a calculation that your physical brain has already made.

​> ​No, we assimed the RA axioms,​ ​and then I can only give you a representation of the computation

Axioms ​​don't make calculations, physical microprocessor chips do.

Axioms does not, but sigma-& proof does, and when they stop we can deduce that from the axioms, and arithmetic can do that too, by Gödel's arithmetization of meta-arithmetic.

​>> ​If calculations can really be done in RA then there is absolutely positively ​no reason you can't start the RA​ Computer Hardware Company ​and​​​ become​ a trillionaire​.​

​> ​You are ridiculous. Computations can be done in RA.

​The computations ​were made in 3 pounds of grey goo inside a box made of bone sitting on your shoulders and then the result of those computations were written on a physical paper in the notation of RA. RA didn't calculate anything, zero zilch, nada, goose egg.

That is the usual confusion of level and meta-level. When I prove the existence of a computation in the theory RA, I don't have to assume grey good inside a box of bones ... I need that only to discuss with you, and that is not part of the theory. On the contrary, I explain the illusion of primary matter from the assumption of the law of addition and multiplication only.

Then I could reverse the charge. Why do you believe in primary matter, as there no evidences for it, at all. On the contrary, step 8 explains why primary matter cannot have any relation with consciousness, so even if it exists, it has no rôle at all. It cannot even explain the observation of matter. Again, you need to get step 8 for this.

​> ​usually I debate with person which claim that it can only be done in RA, not in a physical universe, which can only approximate the computations done in RA.

​​That would be a strange debate. Do you find a lot of people who think 2 + 2 is only approximately 4?

Their argument is that a physical computer can only be an approciamation of the mathematical one, like a physical circle can only approximate a mathematica circle.

​> ​Computation is defined in arithmetic.

​Definitions ​don't make calculations, physical microprocessor chips do.

When we say that computations are defined in arithmetic, we don't say that the definition make the computations.

​> ​>>​​This does not need any matter, like the existence of a prime number bigger than 1000^(1000^(1000^1000)) does not require matter.

​>> ​​But calculating that prime number most certainly DOES require matter.

​> ​But that prime number existence does not depend on its computation,

​I think maybe it does depend on the physical possibility of it being computed in the universe, although I could be wrong.​

That would make Euclid's wrong, and all mathematicians. Well, some physicist, like Deutsch says something to that effect, but I find that rather heavy, given that the goal is just to defend the primariness of the physical universe. It is adding a gross ontological commitment to prevent the possibility of a much simpler explanation. It is of the type "evolution is nice but it fails to explain how god intervenes".

​>> ​ if the computational resources of the entire universe are insufficient to produce that prime number even in theory then I'm not entirely certain it would be meaningful to say it exists.

​> ​Then you bet on ultrafinitism,

​Maybe but not necessarily, perhaps the computational resources of the entire universe is infinite, I just don't know.

We don't know if there is a physical *universe* (the aristotelian always put "primary" in the definition of the universe).

​ ​>> ​I am unable to answer a gibberish question about the future .

> i​t is not gibberish, and the guy can make a prediction, like it will be either W or M.

​"How many inches long is half a piece of string?" is a gibberish question,

Sure, if you don't say how long is the string. But in the question asked, everything has been made precise.

and "what one and only one city will you see after​ ​you becomes two?" is another gibberish question.

Not at all, because computationalism make consistent that a person's body is in two different cities, and that the person's feeling is that it is in only once city (indeed in both place).

​Actually they're not questions at all, they're just gibberish. You need more than a question mark to write a question.

It is only gibberish when you abstract from the first and third person perspective, like you just did here.

​​>> ​If both are John Clark, and Bruno Marchal said they were, then obviously John Clark is NOT in only one place.

​> ​Sure, but the question is not were John Clark will be, but where he will feel to be,

Then ​I guess you agree with my statement above because you say "sure" and if the personal pronoun "he" refers to John Clark then how does replacing the proper noun "John Clark" with the personal pronoun "he" alter the meaning of the sentence?

It does not. What changed the meaning was the 3p/1p distinction.

​And if where John Clark is doesn't mean where John Clark feels to be then what does it mean?

Where John Clark is = where his body is, and that can be in two cities.

Where each of those John Clark feels to be is obviously given by "only one city".

Both said "one city", as they look around and see one city (Washington or Moscow), even if intellectually each can bet that they have a doppelganger in the other city, but as you said, they have become different person even if both have the right to say that they are the same guy as the one who was in Helsinki.


 John K Clark

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