On 30 Oct 2017, at 07:15, Brent Meeker wrote:

On 10/29/2017 10:15 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 27 Oct 2017, at 21:04, Brent Meeker wrote:

On 10/27/2017 9:02 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
Then the discovery that THC (cannabis main cannabinoid, the psycho-tropic one) shrink cerebral rumor of mice was dismissed and stopped, and remain largely ignored. It is a total inhuman shame!

I looked at that paper.  It was statistically bogus.

Nobody has ever found that paper easily. One guy found one of the author and got a manuscript draft, then later, someone found an old print of it, but I think it is a hell of difficulty to find the paper.

I guess you talk about something else. That paper was written by people paid by the US Government to prove that cannabis causes cancer, but they found the opposite: it cures cancer (at least on mice for a collection of cerebral tumor). You may look at:


You should look at the original paper, not breathless second-hand reports.


I can't access this. I see also russian text asking I register, I guess. Could you send me a copy please, perhaps?

Anyway, that precise discovery,

It was anything but "precise".

and its extension on humans cells has been done again 20 years later by a spanish Team, and belongs to the "mainstream":


It refers to cannabis inhibiting autophagy which may lead to cell death, but not necessarily.

Some cannabinoids induce autophagy of the cancerous cells (in vitro).

That is not bogus, and has been verified, and followed by many papers showing that cannabis is indeed an excellent medication for many diseases---you can look at:


Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibited tumour-cell proliferation in vitro

Yes. But then you have the testimony. And the point I refer initially are the lies. Even if cannabis cannot been used for human cancer, the hiding of the discovery described above, and the stopping of the research on something promising, even if only promising, is the bad attitude I deplore. We are not here to debate on cannabis.

I did verify some of those papers (some are bogus indeed, but many are not).

As I said, the team of Mechoulam, in Jerusalem, have understood the basic general mechanism, by discovering the anandamide, which is the name they gave to the agonist of THC, and by unraveling the endo-cannabinoid system in all enough high animals (which means all, except for some primitive sea non-vertebrates). Google on endo- cannabinoid system.

Also, it is a false secret that the reason to forbid cannabis was brought by a set-up. There has never been any reason to make cannabis illegal. There are many good videos and books on the subject. I will not develop this here. I can give references, including to the thousand of papers which add evidence that cannabis can cure many disease and cancers. Of course such research are not permitted in the land of the free, and it is not yet that simple in Europa too.

There are plenty of pharmacological research labs outside the U.S. Are you claiming there's a worldwide conspiracy to prevent curing cancer?

Cannabis has been made illegal world-wide, rather rapidly. Only the Russians took a bit more time. yes, I find plausible there has been a worldwide multi-corporatist conspiracy to hide the medical and industrial virtue of Hemp to sell as much Petrol as possible. That hypothesis explains a lot of things, notably that despite the success of the cannabis medical, and the continuing lack of evidences of problem with hemp, cannabis is still in schedule one. Even under Obama, the schedule one of cannabis has been renewed, despite many hope for putting it at least in schedule 2. But no: research is still forbidden/strongly discouraged. The reefer madness persists. It looks slightly attenuated, but the lies continue in the health domain and in the industrial domain (not to mention the much older lies in the theological domain).



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