Lawrence Crowell <> wrote:

> *> Hawking radiation has made the r_- and I^+ no longer continuous. This
> means quantum mechanics prevents spacetimes from becoming Hobarth-Malement
> spacetimes that can be a universal Turing machine that can determine the
> halting status of any algorithm.*

For that you'd need closed timelike curves and that is probably not
physically possible because paradoxes would abound if traveling into the
past could be done, the most important one for our discussion would be the
one that Turing found if you had a complete list of all computations that
would halt and all that would not.  Also, all Malament-Hogarth spacetimes
have naked singularities but nobody has ever detected one and most think
nobody ever will because they don't exist. But what all this very
controversial hyper exotic physics that may or may not exist has to do with
the viability of Cryonics I don't quite see, unless you're saying well
established quantum physics and relativity can find no fundamental flaw in
the idea and so you need to go to the bleeding edge of speculation. The
only thing Black Holes and consciousness have in common is both are odd.

> *> The point of the NP-complete algorithm and the soap bubble
> demonstration is that nature does not solve them. *

Then the entire NP issue is irrelevant as far as consciousness is concerned
because my conscious brain produces consciousness and its natural and
physical,  but my  brain can’t solve NP-complete algorithms in polynomial
time any better than computer can, in fact I can't even do as well as at is
as computers.

> *> I think there is a difference between simulating something and thinking
> the simulation is the reality. *

And I think a thing and its simulation are different only if the thing
being simulated is a noun, not if the thing being simulated is a verb or a
adjective, not if the thing being simulated is thinking. That’s why the 4
my calculator produces when it adds 2+2 is exactly the same as 4 that I
produce when I add 2+2. So there would be no difference between you
thinking there is a difference between simulating something and thinking
the simulation is the reality, and a computer thinking there is a
difference between simulating something and thinking the simulation is the

Yes a simulated flame is not identical to a real flame but to say it has
absolutely no reality can lead to problems. Suppose you say that for a fire
to be real it must have some immaterial essence of fire, a sort of burning
soul, thus a simulated flame does not really burn because it just changes
the pattern in a computer memory. The trouble is using the same reasoning
you could say that a real fire doesn't really burn, it just oxidizes
chemicals; but really a flame can't even do that, it just obeys the laws of
chemistry.  A simulated flame won't burn your computer but it will burn a
simulated object. A real flame won't burn the laws of chemistry but it
will burn your finger.

> *> There are massive computer programs to simulate the evolution of galaxy
> domains, walls and clusters in Λ-CDM. At no point would somebody say there
> is a real cosmology in the computer. *

Today’s computer programs may be massive but they are not yet massive
enough to include a intelligence that can observe the workings of the
galactic simulation, to that intelligence the simulated galaxy would be the
only reality there is.

> *> There is a computer brain project in Europe underway, and I don't think
> many people think this thing is going to start behaving like a real
> person. *

What are you talking about, computers are already starting to act like real

> *> The map is not the territory.*

A Ulam spiral is a map of the prime numbers, that map is the territory.
Shakespeare's First Folio is a map of Shakespeare's plays, and that map is
also the territory.

> *> Evolution does not say much about consciousness. *

*NONSENSE!* Evolution produced me. I know with 100% certainty that I am
conscious. I very strongly suspect billions of other things are conscious
too. I know for a fact Evolution can detect intelligent behavior but it
can’t detect consciousness and yet I am consciousness. Therefor
consciousness MUST be a byproduct intelligence. Evolution says as much
about consciousness as there is to say, it is the best purely logical
argument against solipsism, in fact it is the only one, all the others are
just variations of “my initiation says its untrue” or “solipsism is too
strange to be true”.

> *> In fact largely it is about a stochastic randomizing of genes with
> single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and selection mechanisms. There is
> then an iteracted process of SNPs and selection.*

True, but how is that relevant?

> Biological evolution also effectively breaks down when it comes to
the origin of pre-biotic chemistry and early life.

Darwin couldn’t explain how to get from simple chemicals to bacteria but he
could explain how to get from bacteria to human beings, not a bad days work
I’d say; and when it comes to intelligence or consciousness that’s the step
where the action is.

> *> I will say that on the list of what is more probable, a Jupiter
> sized computer brain or that we humans blow it utterly, I think the latter
> is more plausible. *

You may be right although I’m sure we both hope you’re not.

> *>In fact this country has a barbarian for a President who just might do
> the trick. *

Yes,.Captain Bone Spurs is not only dishonest and crazy he’s also stupid.
In one way his stupidity is a good thing in that it lessens the probability
of him achieving his goal of becoming a dictator, but on the other hand it
doesn’t take much intelligence to start a war, even a thermonuclear war. So
if Jupiter Brains never get built don't thank Black Holes, thank Donald J

 John K Clark

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