> On 10 Jun 2018, at 19:25, John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 10, 2018 at 6:41 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be 
> <mailto:marc...@ulb.ac.be>> wrote:
> ​>>​I don't care who led what, and neither physics nor mathematical logic is 
> religion.  I asked 3 times but you did not provide one single example of an 
> improvement in theology between 500BC and 500AD . Not one.  
> ​>​The improvement is from believing in giant Turtles to both modern physics 
> and mathematics,
> God creating the world in 4004 BC in 6 days is just as inconsistent with the 
> facts as the Earth being held up by a giant turtle,

We agree on this. I have not read one book in (rational) theology which contest 
this, even when written by Christian. The big-Bang theory was developed by 
l’abbé Lemaitre, who was both christian theologian and cosmologist. That is why 
I suggest you to read the text of the rationalist theologian, and not the 
popular religion which have been imposed by terror and violence as it is 
happens when theology is withdrawn from science to political manipulation tool 
(lie a part of Health politics today, or genetics in the USSR, …).

>  and God tricking is to torture His son to death so He could forgive us for 
> eating a apple is just as stupid as a turtle. 

By theology, I have been ultra-clear that I talk only about the rationalist. 
None ever believed any literal account of any “sacred texts”, on the contrary, 
they foresaw all the problem which can happen if we abandon reason in the 

> And  neither modern physics  nor mathematics is theology.  I asked  4  times 
> but you did not provide one single example of an improvement in theology 
> between 500BC and 500AD . Not one.  

Modern physics is not theology, obviously. But physics, like mathematics and 
mathematical logic are born from rational theology.  They they have separated, 
even more so in the context where theology has been separated from science.

> ​>>​So you don't know of an example of a improvement in theology  made 
> between 500BC and 500AD but for some unspecified reason you believe there may 
> be such a example somewhere in some book and you want me to try to find one.
> > No, I want you to read them, and understand the improvement by yoursel​f
> So if I read all the ancient books you recommend I could someday be smart 
> just like you? No thanks.
> ​> ​You just cannot separate theology of science, without making them both 
> inexact and inhuman.
> I have no idea if that's true or not because I have no idea what "theology of 
> science " means.

That was a typo. I meant “…theology FROM science”. We cannot make that 
separation without making science, or a part of it, into a theology. That is 
why some people believes that “materialism” sides with science, where any 
serious scientists knowing a bit in the domain knows that there has never been 
any empirical evidence for primary matter. Not one. Is is a simplifying 
hypothesis, like “the earth is flat” is a simplifying hypothesis working well 
for architect, but problematic for airline and astronautics.

> Bruno, I don't believe you can write clearly in ANY language, except of 
> course for Brunospeak, and only one person on the planet is fluent in 
> Brunospeak. For example: 
> ​"​your use of “primary matter”, that you call simply “matter” is not just 
> theological, but is invalid from a scientist (in theology) point of view.​“

That has been proved, and the systematic childish “debunking” of step 3 assures 
everybody of your lack or rationality in the cognitive science or philosophy of 
mind (or rational theology in the original sense of those who have begun the 

> In the unlikely event there is a God even He doesn't know what that means.

Like your constant negative tone and ad hominem sliding illustrates you have 
prejudices, on my person apparently. 

> ​> ​Fundamental science and religion have always been the same thing​.​
> So the pope is a scientist as was Osama bin Laden,

Again, you come back to your belief that the theology of the institionalized 
religion, which in occident has been persecuted for centuries, are the right 
theologian. You criticises the absurdity of religion, but by throwing the baby 
(rational theology) with the water (the fake theology imposed for political 
purpose), you help the fake and prevent the search of truth. That is why I say 
that the non-agnostic atheists (who share with the christian the religious 
belief in primary matter and who share the exclusively christian notion of God) 
are ally against the return of science and reason in the field. 


> Einstein was a rabbi, and the words physics, mathematics, and even science 
> should all be retired and replace by the single word "theology".  I'm 
> curious, does anybody besides Bruno think that would be a good idea?    
> ​John K Clark​
>> So you don't know of an example of a improvement in theology  made between 
>> 500BC and 500AD but for some unspecified reason you believe there may be 
>> such a example somewhere in some book and you want me to try to find one.
> No, I want you to read them, and understand the improvement by yourself
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