On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 12:55 AM, Brent Meeker <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

>JKC has mis-stated CI.  CI didn't say QM as embodied in the SWE was the
> theory of the world.  Bohr and Heisenberg both held that the    classical
> world was logically prior to the quantum

If so then forget string theory, Newton discovered the theory that fully
describes the fundamental underlying nature of reality way back in 1687.
And nobody knows what Copenhagen is saying. Bohr, Heisenberg, Wigner and
Wheeler all said they are ardent believers in the Copenhagen interpretation
but Wigner, a Nobel Prize winner, thought consciousness collapsed the
quantum wave function while Heisenberg, another Nobel prize winner,
insisted it did not; and that's a pretty big difference in my opinion. And
John Wheeler was Hugh Everett's thesis adviser and even wrote a letter to
Bohr that still exists saying that Many Worlds is fully consistent with the
Copenhagen Interpretation! As for Niels Bohr, he said "Never express
yourself more clearly than you are able to thinkā€ and as a result of that
to this day people are still arguing about what the man was trying to say.

So before we start debating its pros and cons we should figure out what the
hell the Copenhagen Interpretation is.

John K Clark

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