> On 25 Jun 2018, at 02:54, Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 5:41 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be 
> <mailto:marc...@ulb.ac.be>> wrote:
>> On 20 Jun 2018, at 14:55, Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:jasonre...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 11:36 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be 
>> <mailto:marc...@ulb.ac.be>> wrote:
>>> On 17 Jun 2018, at 02:18, Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:jasonre...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> In solving Hilbert's 10th problem 
>>> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilbert%27s_tenth_problem> in the negative, 
>>> the work of Martin Davis, Yuri Matiyasevich, Hilary Putnam and Julia 
>>> Robinson culminated in 1970 with the MRDP theorem 
>>> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diophantine_set#Matiyasevich's_theorem> 
>>> which concludes:
>>> Every computably enumerable set has a representation as a Diophantine 
>>> equation <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diophantine_equation> (an equation 
>>> involving only integer coefficients and variables).
>>> This shocked number theorists, because it meant simple equations involving 
>>> nothing more than a few integer variables have the full power of Turing 
>>> machines.  In fact, it was shown by Yuri Matiyasevich that a universal 
>>> Diophantine equation can be made with as few as 9 unknowns.
>>> Some examples:
>>> k is even if there exists a solution to: k - 2x = 0
>>> k is a perfect square if there exists a solution to: k - x^2 = 0
>>> k is a Fibonacci number if there exists a solution to: k^4 - k^2*x^2 - x^4 
>>> - 1 = 0
>>> (k+2) is a prime number if there exists a solution to the sum of: (these 14 
>>> equations <http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PrimeDiophantineEquations.html>)
>>> k is a LISP program having output n, if the equation having variables: k, 
>>> n, x1, x2, x3 ... x20000 (a polynomial having ~20,000 variables 
>>> <https://arxiv.org/pdf/math/0404335.pdf>) has a solution.
>>> The universality of Diophantine equations means there are polynomial 
>>> equations that compute things quite surprising, such as polynomials that 
>>> have solutions of 0, IFF:
>>> One of the variables "k" is a valid MP3 file.
>>> One of the variables "k" is a JPEG image containing the image of a cat 
>>> (where the equation implements the same computation as a neural network 
>>> trained to recognize images of cats)
>>> For two of the variables "y" and "x", "y" equals a state of a chess board 
>>> after deep blue makes a move given a chess board with a state of "x".
>>> For two of the variables "y" and "x", "y" equals the state of the Universal 
>>> Dovetailer after performing "n" steps of execution.
>>> The last example seems to suggest to me, that pure arithmetical truth, 
>>> concerning the solutions to equations, is identical to computation.  That 
>>> is to say, certain mathematical statements carry with them (effectively) 
>>> Turing machines, and their executions.
>> Matiyazevic results is indeed quite impressive. It finishes an inquiry begun 
>> by Davis and Putnam with important progress by Julia Robinson, and 
>> eventually Matiyazevic got the proof, and its solved the 10th problem of 
>> Hilbert: there is no mechanical procedure to tell if a diophantine 
>> polynomial equation has a solution or not. (Assuming Church’s thesis, as 
>> Matiyzevic explains well in a ten page section in his book).
>>> Just as all solutions to the deep-blue implementing equation is equivalent 
>>> to the computations that Deep blue makes when evaluating the board, and all 
>>> solutions to the cat recognizing equation are equivalent to the processing 
>>> done by the trained neural network, all solutions to the LISP equation are 
>>> equivalent to the execution of every possible LISP program (including the 
>>> UD).
>>> Does this our conscious experience might be a direct consequence of 
>>> Diophantine equations?
>> Yes. Although you could *equivalently* say that our conscious experience is 
>> a direct consequence of the combinators laws Kxy = x and Sxyz = xz(yz).
>> Do you have some references that you would recommend for someone wanting to 
>> learn more about combinator laws and how they lead to universality?
> I would simply recommend Smullyan’s book “How to mock a mocking bird?”, which 
> proves in details the Turing universality of the combinators.
> Thank you! I actually had a copy of this on my shelf, but I had yet to read 
> it.  I'll start tonight. :-)
>> Is the above the same thing as a Y-combinator, or some more specific 
>> equation in lamda calculus or combinatorial logic? I wish to lean more.
> The Y combinator is the fixed point of Yx = x(Yx). All fixed point equation 
> can be solved in combinatory logic. The Y combinator can be used to program 
> the “definition by primitive recursion”, but, as Smullyan shows well, you can 
> easily start from scratch and use the Dxyz = T(xx)yz trick. You need to be 
> able to eliminate variables from combinations, but this too is well explained 
> by Smullyan. His last book “A Beginner’s Further Guide to Mathematical Logic” 
> contains a rather detailed summary of his book “How to Mock a Mocking Bird”. 
> I have some rare text by Rosser, in French, on the combinators, which are 
> very good, but uneasy to find, but maybe in second hand bookshop, notably his 
> “Deux Esquisses de Logique”.
> The classical treatise is the North Holland book by Barendrecht. Not to 
> mention the historical, a bit verbose, treaties by Curry and Feys (Feys was a 
> teacher of religion in secondary public Belgium school).
> Thanks for those references.  I want to get an intuitive feel for how "Kxy = 
> x and Sxyz = xz(yz)" achieves universality so succinctly compared to 
> arithmetic equations.  I will first see how far Smullyan's book takes me.
>> Which is certainly shorter than providing a degree 4 universal Diophantine 
>> equation, like below (I can’t resist):
>> (unknowns range on the non negative integers (= 0 included)
>> 31 unknowns: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, W, 
>> Z, U, Y, Al, Ga, Et, Th, La, Ta, Ph, and two parameters:  Nu and X.
>> X is in W_Nu iff   phi_Nu(X) stop if and only if
>> I don't quite follow what W_Nu is here.
> The domain of the function phi_Nu. Nu is just a natural number, and phi_i is 
> an enumeration of all partial computable functions. You can generate it by 
> generating all programs (of one variable) in any programming language.
>> I am guessing from the context that this means for a given machine/program 
>> Nu, and input X, this equation has a solution IFF Nu halts given X as input, 
>> but I am not sure what it means to say X is in W_Nu.
> You got it. It means nothing more than the Nu-th program P_Nu (or simply Nu) 
> stops on input X.
> It can be proved that the W_i (the domain of the phi_i) enumerates all 
> recursively enumerable set.
>> Nu = ((ZUY)^2 + U)^2 + Y 
>> ELG^2 + Al = (B - XY)Q^2
>> Qu = B^(5^60)
>> La + Qu^4 = 1 + LaB^5
>> Th +  2Z = B^5
>> L = U + TTh
>> E = Y + MTh
>> N = Q^16
>> R = [G + EQ^3 + LQ^5 + (2(E - ZLa)(1 + XB^5 + G)^4 + LaB^5 + + 
>> LaB^5Q^4)Q^4](N^2 -N)
>>          + [Q^3 -BL + L + ThLaQ^3 + (B^5 - 2)Q^5] (N^2 - 1)
>> P = 2W(S^2)(R^2)N^2
>> (P^2)K^2 - K^2 + 1 = Ta^2
>> 4(c - KSN^2)^2 + Et = K^2
>> K = R + 1 + HP - H
>> A = (WN^2 + 1)RSN^2
>> C = 2R + 1 Ph
>> D = BW + CA -2C + 4AGa -5Ga
>> D^2 = (A^2 - 1)C^2 + 1
>> F^2 = (A^2 - 1)(I^2)C^4 + 1
>> (D + OF)^2 = ((A + F^2(D^2 - A^2))^2 - 1)(2R + 1 + JC)^2 + 1
>> END
>> Very nice. Where is this from? (Is there a paper that gives these equations?)
> Yes. 
> Perhaps this one. I have only an incomplete photocopy, and it might be 
> another paper by Jones.
> You might find it also in Matiyazvic’s book.
> "Three Universal Representations of Recursively Enumerable Sets"
> James P. Jones
> The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 43, No. 2 (Jun., 1978), pp. 335-351
> Great! Thank you.
> This brings up a side question I was curious about. Did you ever publish your 
> source code for the UD?
> It would be cool to write down the equation that implements the UD, with "Nu 
> = UD".  A kind of "god" equation.
> Here is another interesting question, in theory is it possible to create a 
> 2-dimensional image (in the spirit of Mandelbrot's fractals), where the X and 
> Y cells are "Nu" and "X" respectively, and the color of each (X,Y) cell is 
> based on how rapidly the machine halts (perhaps on some logarithmic basis) or 
> black if it not determined to not halt?
> If I'm not mistaken, I believe in the past you had hinted that you had the 
> idea that the Mandelbrot set might itself be universal (in its 
> computations?). I was curious if you could provide some further explanations 
> about this.
>>> Can Diophantine equations for a single set of parameters model non-halting 
>>> programs like the UD, or one must consider the set of of all possible 
>>> parameters?
>> In this case we model the recursively enumerable set, and they are 
>> determined by by the existence of the solutions when you fix Nu and X, the 
>> programs and the argument. Phi_Nu(X). But you can take a Nu which is itself 
>> universal, and then look only at all solution for each X, or, make X a dummy 
>> variable, and use a Nu such that phi_Nu(X) is a universal dovetailer. Its 
>> “leaves” will enumerate the true sigma_1 sentences, which emulates all 
>> dreams.
>> I guess the problem I am having is that Phi_Nu(X) doesn't halt, then it has 
>> no solution.  So what can be said about programs like the UD which don't 
>> halt, other than that there exists no solution to the above equations when 
>> "Nu = the UD".  Would it be better to establish the trace of the UD by 
>> having "Nu" be a program that outputs the state of the UD at time "X", thus 
>> the equation still captures the UD and all its computations, but now with a 
>> halting program whose solutions match the solutions to the Diophantine 
>> equation?
> If you do that, you will need to ask infinitely many question to that UD, for 
> it to emulate all programs. It is better to let it generates the X too, so 
> you have no more any tasks to do, after pushing “enter”.
> But if there are no solutions to the polynomial for machines that don't halt, 
> it seems there is no distinction between a so-called "valid combination of 
> inputs" and a completely arbitrary combination of inputs (if this makes 
> sense).  Or is it the case that enumerating all possible combinations of 
> inputs somehow still implements the never-halting computation?
> Of course W_u is the empty set, for that UD = u. But in this case, you are 
> not interested in its empty domain, only in its execution.
> Now, you can also consider a W_k, say, such that W_k generates all states 
> accessible by the UD. In that case, the W_k emulates itself the UD. 
> Ahh okay.  This makes sense to me and can more succinctly be described as the 
> set of infinite solutions to the equation is equivalent to the infinite 
> execution of the UD.
>> But perhaps it's better to just leave Nu a free variable, and get all the 
>> halting computations as solutions. Is this what you mean by the "leaves of 
>> the UD"-- those programs that halt?
> Well, I could, but you can take the intermodeidate steps of the computations 
> too. There are different ways to proceed. Davis’ “Unsolvability and 
> computability” defines computations by halting computations. Daniel Cohen use 
> arbitrary computations. As long as you get all states, the UD will do its 
> job, with the right redundancy.
> What did Danial Cohen mean by "arbitrary computations”?

Stopping and non stopping one. Martin Davis defines computations by halting 
computation, making them equivalent to true sigma_1 sentences. It ease some 
proofs, like it eases the UD first person probability problem.

>> How do you define a "sigma1 true sentence"; is a sigma1 sentence just 
>> statements/asserts of arithmetical relations that can be true or false?
> It is a arithmetical statement equivalent with ExP(x), with P sigma_0, that 
> is recursive (total computable).
> Any machine capable of proving all true statements with that shape is Turing 
> universal, and any Universal machine or machinery is complete for such 
> statement. Robinson Arithmetic RA (Peano arithmetic without induction) is 
> such a theory. It is Turing universal, but it is not Löbian, as it cannot 
> prove, unlike PA, its own Turing universality.
> OK?
> So if they are everything provable by a machine, are they equivalent to a 
> recursive enumeration of everything probable [provable, I guess] under some 
> axiomatic system?  Do sigma1 sentences assume any particular axiomatic system?

The truth of the sigma_1 sentences can be proved in any Turing complete theory, 
like RA, PA, ZF, etc. They all proves the same sigma_1 sentences (up to their 
translation of course).

If you want, "provable by a Turing complete theory” is equivalent to 
“computable with a Turing machine”.
Sigma_1 provability is yet another formalism for computability, with the 
advantage that it is embed in the provability realm (much richer than 
computability, but not universal with respect to *proof*, by Gödel’s theorems).


> Jason
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