On Friday, May 17, 2019 at 5:06:29 PM UTC-5, Brent wrote:
> On 5/17/2019 4:56 AM, John Clark wrote:
> If you somehow knew for a fact a brilliant being was a zombie then you 
> could immediately make one conclusion about it, the being could NOT be the 
> product of Darwinian Evolution because Natural Selection can see 
> intelligence but it can't see consciousness in others any better than we 
> can, and it can't select for something it can't see.
> I don't see how that follows.  If zombies are possible then evolution 
> could have produced brilliant zombies.  It might just be an accident that 
> evolution took the "consciousness" path at some point.  It might even vary 
> from species to species...as it might in the future when we develop 
> human-level  in AI-robots.   I can't imagine how an AI could have human 
> level intelligence without the ability to reflect on itself, but I can 
> imagine this reflection being realized in very different ways.  For 
> example, for high reliability in some space vehicles, we have provided 
> three separate computers programmed by different teams to check decisions 
> by majority voting.
> Brent

Certainly we (AI engineers) can continue to hack together increasingly 
"intelligent" robots out of conventional processing technology. They are 
all zombies (in the sense they are not conscious). A "creative" robot may 
be a challenge.



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