On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 1:17 AM 'Brent Meeker'  <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> *Capitalism assumes that one can own things, especially money.  But
> without government to adjudicate and enforce claims of ownership, you
> couldn't own any more than you could carry on your back at a dead run. *

Obviously law is meaningless without enforcement, but as I explained in
some detail in my previous post governments are not the only thing that can
make laws or enforce them, corporations could do that too, and they would
do it better than government. I am convinced that if we were starting from
scratch that would be the way to go, but of course we are not starting from
scratch, far from it. So at this point we must just do the best we can with
what already exists. And like it or not government exists.

> *Most of the rich people in the U.S. are rich in virtue of owning stuff,
> not making stuff.*

Thanks to the tax and inheritance laws (which Trump wants to make even more
extreme) most rich people in the USA are rich because they chose their
parents wisely.

 John K Clark

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