On Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 4:54:03 AM UTC-7, Lawrence Crowell wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 2:29:44 AM UTC-6, Alan Grayson wrote:
>> On Monday, February 3, 2020 at 3:48:00 PM UTC-7, John Clark wrote:
>>> This video was just uploaded today:
>>> Are there Infinite Versions of You? 
>>> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qT110-Q8PJI>
>>> John K Clark
>> *The answer is NO, if at least one parameter of the universe can 
>> continuously vary, even along a finite interval or dimension. In this case, 
>> the number of possible universes is UNCOUNTABLE, and IIUC, under this 
>> condition Poincare Recurrence doesn't apply.  AG *
> The Poincare recurrence of 10^{100} particles, approximately how many 
> particles are out to the limit of observation, is around 10^{10^{100}} time 
> units. Those time units would be Planck units of time, but the disparity of 
> numbers means that we can consider this to be years with little error, 
> Using the idea of space = time this would mean in spatial distance there is 
> also a sort of recurrence. So out to that distance there exists some 
> repeated form of what exists here. The quantum recurrence time is 
> approximately 10^{10^{10^{100}}} time units or the exponent of this. So 
> further out in space would imply not only a copy of things here, but also 
> the same quantum phase. This is something within just the level 1 
> multiverse.
> Now this distance is utterly enormous and not just beyond the cosmological 
> horizon, but beyond a distance where a Planck unit is redshifted to the 
> horizon scale. This distance is around 2 trillion light years, which is a 
> mere trifle by comparison to maybe 10^{10^{100}} light years or so. This 
> length is the absolute limit of any observation. This then means the 
> universe has some N genus manifold covering, or equivalently some polytope, 
> covering space to reflect this multiplicity. For the polytope with N facets 
> the horizon scale is a nearly infinitesimal bubble in the center. 
> There is then of course in addition the level 2 multiverse which is the 
> generation of pocket worlds within an inflationary de Sitter manifold. 
> These may then have different renormalization group flows for gauge 
> coupling values and physical vacua. Another level 3, or level 2.2, is the 
> generation of dS inflationary manifolds from AdS/CFT physics.
> LC

*Do you agree that if any parameter of our universe logically allows some 
continuum of values, PR fails? Or if our universe is finite in spatial 
extent, PR fails? AG *

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