On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 9:16 PM <spudboy...@aol.com> wrote:

*> It is not bullshit because when the people who come to work in the US
> and get thru Biden's open border* [...]

Perhaps the problem here is that English is obviously not your native
language and I've lost my Spudboy to English dictionary, so please tell me
how to translate the words  "open border"  from your strange exotic
language into English. In your language would you say that every country on
Earth except for North Korea has an "open border"?

*> that have the capability to spread delta to to the general populace who
> are unvaccinated.*

If somebody from a foreign country moves to the USA they are far more
likely to dilute the percentage of the population that has COVID-19 not
increase it, because from March 2020 the highest concentration of the virus
on planet Earth was in the good old USA, and during the Trump
administration the highest concentration of the virus in the USA was on the
18 acres surrounding the White House. Today the USA is the filthiest, most
unhygienic place on the planet, and the place where that uncleanliness is
most likely to kill you. So Americans don't need to worry about Mexicans
entering their country, but Mexicans need to worry about Americans entering
their country.

*> who are unvaccinated.*

The unvaccinated are primarily native born Trump voters, so from a purely
health perspective it would make more sense to deport them to Mexico rather
than keep native born Mexicans out of the country.

*> How are unvaccinated poor people not a venue for infection?*

They are a venue for infection, but being poor is not the same as being
stupid, and there is an easy cheap cure for being unvaccinated. But
unfortunately for Trump voters there is no easy cheap way to cure the
affliction of stupidity.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


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