On Thu, Mar 3, 2022 at 6:06 PM Bruce Kellett <bhkellet...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>  the key is understanding what "the collapse of the wave function" means
>> physically. Many Worlds says everything that is not forbidden is mandatory
>> so everything Schrodinger's wave equation does not rule out does
>> physically happen, so "collapse" just means that different solutions to
>> Schrodinger's equation are ... well... different. And the great virtue of
>> tautologies is that they're always true. Richard Feynman said all the
>> weirdness in quantum mechanics can be found in the  2 slit experiment, so I
>> will use that to illustrate the point. This is how I think Many Worlds
>> would describe the two-slit experiment and several variations of it.
> *> I take the fact that you have changed the subject to a many worlds
> account of the two-slit experiment as clear evidence that you do not have a
> local many worlds account of the question at issue, namely, a local account
> of Bell-type correlations.*

Just exchange the 2 slits in the experiments that I described with a
polarizer and then the world would split because of polarization
differences not because of which slip the photon went through, or if you
prefer exchange the photons with electrons and the 2 slits with a
Stern-Gerlach magnet, and then the world will split because of differences
in spin of the electron; after that everything I said was still hold true,
and nowhere would there be a need to invoke non-local influences. And you
can build any Bell-type experiment you like with polarization or with spin,

*> Saibal's account below is every bit as non-local as the original quantum
> account.*

I don't know what you mean by "the original quantum account" but
is the only way to have determinism, locality, and reality, nothing else
can give you all three. Superdeterminism is also very very dumb, it's so
dumb I find it astonishing that anybody takes it seriously when it has the
same intellectual gravitas as  geocentrism,

*> You equivocate on the word "world".*

I did? I thought I was being clear, for these purposes the words "world"
and "universe" are interchangeable and have exactly the same meaning they
have when used in any other context. I meant nothing new or exotic in the

*> What you are really talking about here are just components of a
> superposed wave function.*

The word "just" in the above is not powerful enough to destroy the Many World's
idea, you're gonna have to do one hell of a lot better than that.

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis


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