On 18-04-2022 23:18, Brent Meeker wrote:
On 4/18/2022 12:55 PM, Alan Grayson wrote:
On Monday, April 18, 2022 at 12:32:36 PM UTC-6 meeke...@gmail.com
On 4/18/2022 11:17 AM, Alan Grayson wrote:
On Monday, April 18, 2022 at 12:06:04 PM UTC-6 meeke...@gmail.com
On 4/18/2022 5:35 AM, Alan Grayson wrote:
But my main point is that acausality is tantamount to
unintelligible. IMO, there's a huge difference between being unable
to perfectly predict the time evolution of a system, and it being
uncaused. AG
Is there? Even if the unpredicitability is in-principle? What is
the huge difference?
So what, in your view, bugged AE about probability in QM? AG
I asked you first.
IIRC, you asked what was bugging ME, not AE. My guess is that he
thought acausality violated locality and/or realism. For example, the
Pilot Wave theory assumes each particle has a definite position and
momentum. It doesn't violate the HUP because the HUP simply limits
what we can measure. AG
I asked you "What is the huge difference?" Which you ignored and
just asked another question.
But the difference is obvious and implied. Whereas the resultant
probabilties attained might be indistinguishable, the underlying
realities are clearly distinct, say between Copenhagen and
deBroglie-Bohm (Pilot Wave theory). Since, at heart, you're an
instrumentalist, I assume the distinction for you is meaningless. AG
You can invent arbitrarily many theories of "distinct underlying
realities" which are empirically indistinguishable...that's why they
are just interpretations. The only use I see for interpretations with
no empirical difference is they may suggest better theories. I see no
other reason to prefer one interpretation over another. You might as
well introduce fairies into an interpretation or ask Deepak Chopra
which one is really real.
An issue here is that the different QM interpretations are actually
different theories that do make different predictions for certain
experiments that one can at least in principle perform. Bohm theory
invokes quantum equilibrium, without which the Born rule will be
violated. And CI and MWI make different predictions for Deutsch-type
While it's conventional to refer to these as interpretations, it's
similar to calling special relativity and ether theory different
interpretations of electromagnetism when effects of order (v/c)^2 would
be too small to detect.
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