Beyond my intellectual pay scale Jason. So far, nobody has developed a Turing 
passable machine that knocks us down with it's effectiveness to pass as a human 
"soul."  I would be happy to let humans be human and instead, & amp up our 
technological capabilities via machine intelligence.Thus, making wonderful 
medicines, and anti-pollution systems, and keep the conversations from human to 
human. For neurobiology I suppose I know what I read. :-(   Beyond this, for me 
it's akin to postulating whether there is a multiverse and if it is initiated 
by Everett's MW, or Linde (and company) Eternal Inflation? 
So the other shoe needs to be dropped: Do we get a choice in this?  If we do, 
can we travel back and forth for trade missions to either clone earths, or 
entirely different inhabited worlds unrelated to being copies and variations? 
If we are conscious do we get a choice with this over that? imitating, via 
complex computer processes that imitate or emulate what spindle cells do might 
make machinery conscious, maybe? Should this, will this get a budget? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Resch <>
To: Everything List <>
Sent: Mon, May 2, 2022 7:18 pm
Subject: Re: Is Artificial Life Conscious?

On Mon, May 2, 2022 at 3:39 PM spudboy100 via Everything List 
<> wrote:

I had read that spindle cells delineate consciousness, according to 
neurobiologists. Anyone see anything different?

Spindle neurons are very large cells, with their fibers stretching long enough 
to connect distant brain regions.
I would think then, an equally valid explanation of spindle neurons is they are 
a necessary adaptation in any creature with a sufficiently large brain.
Since we tend to associate consciousness with complex behaviors, and complex 
behaviors are often associated with animals that have large brains, I think may 
account for the correlation between the presumed consciousness of other species 
and presence of spindle neurons in those species' brains.
At least, I think this is a reasonable alternative explanation.
Jason -- 
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