On 05-05-2022 01:15, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On Thu, May 5, 2022 at 5:27 AM smitra <smi...@zonnet.nl> wrote:

On 04-05-2022 01:49, Bruce Kellett wrote:

I have not introduced any concept of probability. The 2^N branches
that are constructed when both outcomes are realized on each of N
Bernoulli trials are all on the same basis.

If you ignore the amplitudes in the states, and that means modifying
into something else.

QM does not assume that all branches exist equally. In Everett you
have already modified QM into something else.

The Schrodinger equation is insensitive to the amplitudes. You get the
same set of 2^N branches from the Schrodinger equation, whatever
amplitudes you have. The weights of these branches certainly depend on
the amplitudes: if there are n zeros in the set of N trials, there are
N-n ones. The weight of the corresponding binary string is a^n
b^(N-n), but without further assumption, this plays no role in the
future development of the state or in the interpretation of the binary
string. If you interpret it as the probability of the string, you
again have a conflict, since all binary strings are constructed on an
equal basis, the natural probability for each is 2^{-N}.

There is no conflict whatsoever with assuming the Born rule and the Schrodinger equation. The "construction on an equal basis" is not at all implied by the Schrödinger equation.

Because of
these obvious problems, most writers on MWI interpret the coefficients
as weights, and are careful to avoid calling the amplitudes
probabilities. The Born rule is taken to sit alongside the theory, but
it is not part of the theory because there are no probabilities in the
Schrodinger equation itself.

There are no forces in Maxwell equations either, that's given by the Lorentz force equation. I sits alongside the Maxwell equations.



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