On 08-05-2022 06:03, Brent Meeker wrote:
On 5/7/2022 6:21 PM, smitra wrote:
On 05-05-2022 00:04, Brent Meeker wrote:
On 5/4/2022 12:27 PM, smitra wrote:
fact, that idea introduces a raft of problems of its own -- what
the measure over this infinity of branches? What does it mean to
partition infinity in the ratio of 0.9:0.1? What is the mechanism
(necessarily outside the Schrodinger equation) that achieves this?
That simply means that there is as of yet no good model for QM
without the Born rule.
But there is no mechanism for the Born rule. It is inconsistent with
pure Schroedinger evolution of the wave function. I think the problem
of measures on infinity is overcome if you simply postulate a very
large but finite number of branches to split. Or why not not an
continuum probability and just measure by the density around the
eigenvalue...the measured values are never exact anyway. I don't
these things are wrong or show MWI is inconsistent, but I think they
show it has just moved the problems it purported to solve off to some
unobservable worlds, which is no better than CI.
Born rule is not inconsistent with the Schrödinger equation, it just
tells you that the wavefunction gives you the probability amplitudes.
This is better than the CI, because the CI is inconsistent with the
Schrödinger equation.
Because?? It takes one more step and says "probability means
something happens and other things don't." It's not called the
"Copenhagen Equation". It's called the "Copenhagen Interpretation",
i.e. how to _INTERPRET_ the Schroedinger equation and so it is
consistent with it.
It's called an interpretation just like the MWI, but these are actually
different theories that make different predictions, albeit in a domain
that cannot easily be accessed experimentally.
That the CI is inconsistent with the Schrödinger equation is easy to
see. If the Schrödinger is valid, then the state of a system evolves in
a unitary way. But after a real collapse the state changes in a
non-unitary way. If we consider measuring the z-component of a spin
polarized in the x-direction using a Stern-Gerlach apparatus, then the
entire system of the spin the experimental set-up, the observer and
local environment consists of particles that should evolve according to
the Schrödinger equation. If the measurement takes one minute, then the
initial state of a patch of one light-minute diameter around the
location of the experiment maps to a final state of that patch in a
unitary way. But CI says that this does not happen because the internal
observer in the system performed a measurement that causes the state of
the system to collapse.
The issues with branches etc. are likely just artifacts with making
hidden assumptions about branches. At the end of the day there are
only a finite number of states an observer can be in. If an observer
is modeled as an algorithm, take e.g. Star Trek's Mr. Data then it's
clear that there are only a finite number of bitstrings that can
correspond to the set of all possible things Mr. Data can be aware
But different Mr. Data's and different instruments can have different
number of states. So what you're suggesting is QBism.
It may fall under QBism, the question is if this is going to cause
problems that cannot be resolved well.
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