New.M., please take whatever time off from posting here that you want 
but not based on OffWorld's comments and complaints.  His complaints 
have no merit whatsoever, either real or imagined, and the lack of 
substance, hateful tone and emotional imbalance his posts convey 
(IMO) are pretty compelling reasons for him being banned from posting 
here, even permanently.

There was another Tom person who also started threatening en masse 
anyone and everyone who posted anything that he considered contrary 
to his position and he was eventually banned permanently.  I'm not 
sure what could have precipitated OffWorld's apparent emotional 
breakdown but it's certainly not anything you posted and you 
shouldn't refrain from posting because of it.

Just my 2 cents.  You are a valued contributor here and it would be a 
shame to be denied your insights.



--- In, new.morning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In, off_world_beings <no_reply@>
> wrote:
> [ paraphrasing in brackets: I will be very mad and hurt]  "if 
> > you are not banned for one month, or voluntarily ban yourself for 
> > month." 
> =========================
> I have long held, over some years, that personal insults poison the
> mood on FFL (and any forum). Going back over 4 years, the FFL
> guidelines have admonished their use. We have had more recent
> guidelines that personal attacks would be met with time-outs. I 
> this approach should be applied more often and pointedly than it is
> for those who make continued attacks on others. 
> Challenge others' ideas vigorously -- but respect the poster for at
> least trying to articulate their thoughts. I think we all learn when
> posting, we "work it out". And some of our worse ideas get most
> vigorously challenged by ourselves. So any post, no mater how silly,
> is, possibly and IMO probably, a step, towards understanding. For 
> poster and the readers (if they care to read insulting. personal
> attacking posters).
> Time-outs are good. In the passion of the moment, even the most
> enlightened get carried away. Personally, I would like to see the
> standard that if anyone feels insulted, the poster should excuse him
> or herself for some period. Even if they don't feel that they lobbed
> an insult. 
> IMO, good or neutral intentions don't matter if the result is 
> feeling insulted, and starts a cycle of endless retribution. And the
> insultee closes up abit. Puts on more armor. Not the best 
> for sharing "deep" an often quite personal thoughts and feelings.
> So I think Off has a good idea. If one has been insulted, and
> expresses such, ideally the insulter should take a self-determined
> time-out. Even if there was no intent to insult. 
> Wider, and more sustained transgressions I believe should be handled
> by the moderators. Like Rick the Hammer. (Not that anyone is 
> of calling him Rick the Chesse Puff, but enforcement does seem a 
bit lax.)
> And if someone abuses the self-timeouts, by repeatedly "making it 
> that they feel insulted, this will be transparent. I think the forum
> should then act. Calling for a self-timeout for the boy crying wolf.
> If sustained, Rick-- Conan--the Hammer should sweep in with his 
> Off felt insulted by my comment. As I have explained, it was not 
> as an insult, but simply a retort to a logical fallacy. None the 
> Off feels a one month ban is in order. OK.
> To demonstrate and perchance set an example of behavior fitting this
> forum, I will sign off for a month. Nay, make it until Feb 1st. And
> hopefully, other insulters (intentional or not)  will do the same
> (with perhaps shorter durations) if other posters feel insulted by
> their comments.
> Happy Holidays to All. See you in February.
> New Morning

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