> All human beings are the same. They all have the same emotions. All
> laugh when happy and weep when sad. There are no broad civilizations
> that produce radically different behavior in human beings.

---This all beings is the same thing overlooks individual propensities. 
There was an interesting article in Scientific American Mind magazine last 
month discussing how Enron went wrong, and it's very profound to see the 
changes in the company between the two vastly different CEOs who controlled 
it.  Under the first CEO, Richard Kinder, transparency was deemed essential 
to maintaining accountability, and then under the latter CEO who ran it as a 
cutthroat 'survival of the fittest' type enterprise, Jeffrey Skilling, 
everything became opaque and then dark.

It is probably a significant part of any society as well that transparency 
and accountability is a large part of maintaining an upward and improving 
tendency of the collective. Unfortunately, this transparency is becoming 
less and less instead of more. Opacity is becoming ever more 
institutionalized in everything and thus life is becoming more insular and 
those who lead are being held less accountable.

Several institutions have never been held accountable for anything they have 
done until very recently and the first is The Church. But it could be said 
that no religion is transparent, and accountable. Each hides behind God.

I would posit that the recent trying to tie religion and state together by 
this last administration is a sign of greater opacity and wish to not be 
accountable. And is a sign of America being quite well led astray.

As for Islam, there's really no point trying to consider this religion or 
any of them on the merits. Are they transparent or opaque. I suggest the 
latter, and thus they all are equal as bodies of goverance. That is, not 
being held accountable they will all led people to some other goal besides 
the one people themselves desire most. Which is the goal of being able to 
prosper and thrive without fear.

It only takes two different people to raise up or to shove down.  People 
should be less superstitious and really demand accountability and not 
believe in any superstition which tends to excuse those in power from their 

I wish that someday this present administration would be held up to light 
and seen as the equivalent of the 'survival of the fittest' mentality of the 
latter Enron. Unfortunately, it also occurs to me that people have invested 
so much in these recent bad decisions of this administration that people 
don't wish to awaken and see what they have really done, and what they have 
really lost. 

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