> > Why is it so difficult to accept this, Willitex?  You
> > want to win the war we're in at the moment.  
> > 
It's the enemy that is terrorizing the civilian population,
that's why we are fighting the terrorists. It's not really
difficult to accept, Angela. You have to decide what side
you are on and then fight. 

> > Do you think there is a remote chance that this can be 
> > done without terrorizing the civilian population?
Probably not, as long as the radical Islamists keep fighting
a war against the civilians.

"One thing should be clear: If there is no Qassam (rocket) 
fire on Israel, there will be no Israeli attack on Gaza," 
Olmert says, according to Reuters. "We do not rise in the 
morning and think about how to attack Gaza."

'Israel says it won't attack Gaza if rocket attacks cease'
USA Today, March 4, 2008

Bhairitu wrote:  
> And Willy never defines what "winning the war" is?
Winning is preventing attacks by killing your enemies 
first. It's basic self-defense strategy. We must win 
the war in Afghanistan to prevent a resurgent Taliban.
Apparently you don't even know who your enemies are.

"If historians are not to look back on early 2008 as 
the time when the west "lost" Afghanistan, then action 
is required. But what to do?"

Read more:

'Don't abandon Afghanistan'
By Daniel Korski
Guardian, March 5, 2008

> Or how you determine that the war has been won?
When you're still alive and the enemy calls for a truce?

> And what exactly is "the war" anyway?
Obviously you don't have all the answers.

> Is it the war to occupy Iraq?
No, the war was declared on the U.S. by the terrorists
such as Osama bin Laden - the U.S. has not declared a 
war on anyone. Most of your congressional leaders gave
the President the authority to use force to unseat the 
Saddam regime.

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