TurquoiseB wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Aren't we a cheerful bunch!! But it ain't lookin' real
>> good out there, is it? 
> Speak for yourself, honey. 
> What things "look like" depends a great deal
> on where you live, what the media in that place
> beam at you, and most of all the psychic mindset
> of the place itself. The psychic mindset of the
> United States of America right now is fear. In
> particular, fear of "loss." That is why I don't 
> live there. If I did, I'd probably be as focused 
> on all the negative and potentially "threatening" 
> things in the world as many folks there are.
I don't think it is fear, especially with me. I'm just outraged and I
mentioning these things as a "reality check" for those who would
otherwise have their heads stuck in the ground. My joke which Angela was
referring to was about the fact that possible wars are breaking out. One
is in this hemisphere between Venezuela and Columbia and the Bushies got
to be licking their chops.
> But I don't live there. I live somewhere where
> the psychic and media mindsets are different,
> and where *most* of the people I meet are *not*
> focused on all this stuff and worried about it.
So their heads are stuck in the ground?
> You mentioned at one point that new regulations
> in the US have curtailed your ability to travel.
> Have you ever looked into *that* as the cause
> for some of your focus, as much as anything else?
Travel restrictions are ridiculous. They really have nothing to do with
terrorism. I believe they have to do with the establishment not liking
the amount of travel that the average person was able to do before 9-11.
And see, just like you, that there might be better places in the world
to live.
>> I've heard people make a good
>> argument for the notion that we went to war to keep an
>> economic melt-down at bay.  Apparently it's not
>> working. Well, we're overpopulated and so wholesale
>> slaughter is unavoidable to their way of thinking.   
> Do you remember a comedian named Sam Kinison?
> Big, brash guy whose schtick was to set up a joke
> and then yell out the punchline at the top of his
> voice? The one I find myself remembering right now
> went something like, "I've got a message for all
> of those folks who are starving in Ethiopia. MOVE
> Yeah, yeah. I know that in many cases they can't.
> But most of the folks reading this forum could.
> And a little road trip *outside* the borders of
> the US might do wonders for their view of whether
> the world is lookin' dismal or not so much.
> I'm not sayin' that Europe doesn't have its issues
> and problems. All I'm sayin' is that I don't see
> the people who live there -- for the most part,
> England excluded -- living in fear the way that 
> Americans tend to. I think that the issue is 
> "psychically environmental."
They just cried "wolf" again about possible attacks on sports
> There is something WRONG with the *place* right
> now. And one of the easiest ways to shed the
> psychic side effects of that wrongness is to get
> away from it for a while, and immerse yourself
> in a different psychic environment.
IOW, stick your head in the ground.
> It doesn't make the problems go away, but it sure
> can do wonders for one's ability to not let the
> problems get one down. 
Hey, some of us aren't attached to what is going on. We're just
witnessing it. :D But we still want to point it out and try to motivate
people to throw a monkey wrench (or spanner for the Brits) in the works.

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