TurquoiseB wrote:
>> Hey, some of us aren't attached to what is going on. We're just
>> witnessing it. :D 
> Yeah, right. That's why your posts are full of 
> conspiracy theories.  :-)
> Traveling to get one's head into a different
> psychic space is NOT sticking one's head in 
> the sand. It's an exercise in learning what
> you seem to be denying, that one IS affected
> by the psychic environment one lives in.
> Want to find out what that psychic environ-
> ment is like? Well, you CAN'T from within it.
> You have to get away for a while, to somewhere
> very different psychically. While there, prac-
> tice mindfulness. Then, when you go back home, 
> practice mindfulness there and see how your 
> mindset changes.
> You'll be surprised.
Hey, I enjoy conspiracy theories like some folks enjoy good spy 
thrillers.  Nothing wrong with that.  However mindfulness is also being 
aware of your surroundings and what is going on it and of course attempt 
to fix things you don't like.  And much of what is on the conspiracy 
sites winds up being mainstream news a couple months or so later.  
Nothing wrong with being ahead of the game.  Apparently you like Willy 
think I'm running around scared all the time or something.  Man I'm too 
busy watching movies to do that. :D

So apparently your compadres in Europe are back to where they are in the 
1930s?  Ignoring Hitler, ignoring Mussolini.   We can't afford to ignore 
Bush and his cronies.  And I have fun poking fun at them.  :D

And besides you are residing in a vacation resort.  Of course folks 
visiting there are trying to get away from it all!  Do you think I join 
my friends at the Oregon resort town to sit around discuss conspiracy 
theories?  (Well, actually they're quite political too but its a bit 
like preaching to the choir).

And I'm also not just busy watching movies, but  making them, making 
music, making animations, making software and yup even puttering around 
my house.  Last week I removed an old over the range microwave and 
installed a new one all by myself! Try that on a rainy Sunday afternoon. 

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