Bhairitu wrote:
> My joke which Angela was referring to was about 
> the fact that possible wars are breaking out. 
> One is in this hemisphere between Venezuela and 
> Columbia and the Bushies got to be licking their 
> chops.
You're a supporter of Chavez, right?  

"So far, that's what's happening with Hugo 
Chavez's mobilization at the border that 
Colombia is ignoring. No surprise. Colombia's 
objective isn't war, it's free trade."

Full story:

'Colombia Gives Free Trade A Chance'
Investror's Business Daily, March 05, 2008

"This week, Colombia launched a strike against 
a FARC base in Ecuador. Tired of terrorism, 
Colombia is not going to let FARC thugs hide 
in Ecuadorian or Venezuelan jungles."

Read more:

'Behind the Colombia - Ecuador - Venezuela 
Border Fracas'
by Austin Bay
Strategy Page, March 4, 2008

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