Angela Mailander wrote:
> You think there are no Blackwater thugs and no
> American troops in Iraq terrorizing the civilian
> population?  That's pretty amazing.
That's correct - there's no Blackwater "thugs" and
"no American troops in Iraq terrorizing the civilian
population". Terrorists are the thugs and the radical
Islamists are doing the terrorizing. If you believe
otherwise then you're just screwed up in the head.

WASHINGTON -- The perception that the U.S. troop surge 
in Iraq has succeeded is changing some public views of 
the war, potentially blunting Democrats' political edge 
on the issue.

Full story:

'Sentiment on Iraq Is Changing'
By John D. McKinnon
Wall Street Journal, March 5, 2008

Apparently, it never occurred to these deep-thinkers 
that inflicting a defeat on al-Qaeda in Iraq -- a defeat 
made possible because a previously sympathetic population 
turned with our help against al Qaeda -- might constitute 
a devastating blow to al Qaeda's standing in the Arab 

Read more:

'Bad news for al Qaeda'
Posted by Paul Mirengoff:
Powerline, March 5, 2008

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