And when I visited India I dreaded return to the US because people in 
India were so pleasant and kind and of course as soon as I set down in 
the US there was a hitch on getting the plane up and running for the 
rest of the trip and we ran two hours late and of course there was all 
this uptightness from people as I had dreaded.

Now, of course if you know India they love to discuss religion and 
politics whereas in the US it is "not polite" to do so.   They also like 
to discuss conspiracies because they happen quite blatantly there.

Angela Mailander wrote:
> I know exactly what you mean by a "different psychic
> space."  This was abundantly clear as I moved from the
> U.S. to China and back.  In fact, it hits you like a
> ton of bricks the minute you get out of the air port. 
> But the witness can get deeper than the "national
> psyche."  I believe that Isaiah had a great deal of
> insight into this when he speaks of the "escapees from
> the nations." 
> So, from where I sit, I cannot know if Bhairitu's
> "witness" is deeper than the national psyche, nor can
> you.  a

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