On Feb 1, 2009, at 12:09 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <r...@...> wrote:

I can't imagine anyone putting in the time and trouble for something
which will be met with possibly legal battles from the movement and
such high animosity from its members.  Most of the world couldn't care
less since the Maharishi's image is often used iconically as a symbol
of the millionaire spiritual teacher. We have had a bit too much info
on what goes on in the personal lives of the so called spiritual
superstars to take any of their image projections seriously.
(I'm a multi millionaire but don't have pockets so I don't care about
money.  I have hundreds of adoring female disciples who will do
ANYTHING I ask, but my lingum is not interested in any of them,even
the ones who are soooo hot they make my coral beads melt.)

And who would she be writing for who would both care enough and be
open minded to her story?  It might read like truncated member list of
FFL. (Nabby and E.D. removed) And is everyone here going to buy the
book?  I doubt it. There are just not enough people to support a
published book.  She could go the self published route, but again so
much work just to get a lot of hate mail.

Time has a way of changing perspectives on what matters.  I really
couldn't put my heart into a book that trashed the guy and I am a
consistent critic. Putting your back into a negitive expose takes a
certain type of personality.  She would have to be content to be known
as the chick who banged Maharishi.  That would be a hard basis for the
hard work of a promo tour.  And I suspect that the type of person who
felt compelled to bend to the will of her teacher is probably not that
vitriolic.  She would be attacked on a personal level as most sexual
victims are.

And for what?  To let a few people inclined to believe her story high
five at the specifics of whatever Star Report inquiry details would
come out (Bill used a cigar...wow!) To fuel the hatred of believers
toward her personally.  And all for a project destined to be a
financial failure to tell a story that she already knows is true (or
not) decades after it really mattered.

I'm gunna guess no book and the best vultures like me can hope for is
a Word doc in the file section someday if she wants to tell a handful
of people how her own innocence was lost. And the reaction here would
be predictably mixed no matter what she writes.

If I was her friend I would tell her there is no upside here.  Unless
she has a strong need to have her story told.  In that case here is my
Visa number, I'm gunna solve next year's Christmas gift list problem
right now!

I agree. The time has probably passed for this to be a profitable venture--and with so much water under the bridge, who really want to be known as the women who had sex with a old bearded Indian guru.

The only chance I can see any of this having any traction is if they were to get on Dr. Phil or Oprah with a theme of Spiritual Incest, etc. Throw in some priests who also had spiritually incestuous relationships with their followers. Of course since there is an upcoming major movement event--the Paul McCartney/David Lynch/Moby Donavan effort to bring the teachings of this person into our schools, an enterprising publisher could see that as an opportunity to sell some books. But even that is highly unlikely IMO.

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