--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
<curtisdeltabl...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> I can't imagine anyone putting in the time and trouble for something
> which will be met with possibly legal battles from the movement and
> such high animosity from its members.  Most of the world couldn't care
> less since the Maharishi's image is often used iconically as a symbol
> of the millionaire spiritual teacher. We have had a bit too much info
> on what goes on in the personal lives of the so called spiritual
> superstars to take any of their image projections seriously.
> (I'm a multi millionaire but don't have pockets so I don't care about
> money.  I have hundreds of adoring female disciples who will do
> ANYTHING I ask, but my lingum is not interested in any of them,even
> the ones who are soooo hot they make my coral beads melt.) 
> And who would she be writing for who would both care enough and be
> open minded to her story?  It might read like truncated member list of
> FFL. (Nabby and E.D. removed) And is everyone here going to buy the
> book?  I doubt it. There are just not enough people to support a
> published book.  She could go the self published route, but again so
> much work just to get a lot of hate mail.
> Time has a way of changing perspectives on what matters.  I really
> couldn't put my heart into a book that trashed the guy and I am a
> consistent critic. Putting your back into a negitive expose takes a
> certain type of personality.  She would have to be content to be known
> as the chick who banged Maharishi.  That would be a hard basis for the
> hard work of a promo tour.  And I suspect that the type of person who
> felt compelled to bend to the will of her teacher is probably not that
> vitriolic.  She would be attacked on a personal level as most sexual
> victims are.
> And for what?  To let a few people inclined to believe her story high
> five at the specifics of whatever Star Report inquiry details would
> come out (Bill used a cigar...wow!) To fuel the hatred of believers
> toward her personally.  And all for a project destined to be a
> financial failure to tell a story that she already knows is true (or
> not) decades after it really mattered.
> I'm gunna guess no book and the best vultures like me can hope for is
> a Word doc in the file section someday if she wants to tell a handful
> of people how her own innocence was lost. And the reaction here would
> be predictably mixed no matter what she writes.
> If I was her friend I would tell her there is no upside here.  Unless
> she has a strong need to have her story told.  In that case here is my
> Visa number, I'm gunna solve next year's Christmas gift list problem
> right now!   

A seemingly insightful and deep analysis based on the assumption that
she is not mad and has a truth to tell.

But you may just be waiting your brain energy. Why bother? I think I'm
channelling Uncle Tantra here when I say to you -  It's not
that you would *like to believe that her story is true* is it? And if
there IS a story but she singularly fails to back it up, you would
like to have in place an explanation to *save the appearances* is it? ;-)

> > From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
> > On Behalf Of Joe Smith
> > Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2009 1:57 AM
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: new books on Maharishi ???
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > > Are you saying this with any evidence or authority "Joe", or is this
> > just
> > > the way you wish it were?
> > >
> > 
> > Just being a jerk Rick, but it has been a year now. Personally, I
> > don't think the book will ever be published. 
> > 
> > You may be right. I wonder how many of us would write a book if we
> were in
> > her position? I sent an email off to Conny Larson asking if he knows
> what
> > her intentions are. She's over in Sweden, where he lives, and
they're in
> > touch. I'll post his response. Of course, Judith wasn't the only
> one, but
> > she was the only one rumored to have written a book.
> >

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