--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rf...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@> wrote:
> > See above. TM is only religious because people insist
> > that it is.
> That's because anyone with half a brain can plainly
> see, after looking behind the fraudulent TMO schlock
> and snake oil dance, that TM is indeed inextricably
> tied into the Hindu religion.

Judge Adams of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals
didn't "plainly see" that this was the case. He wrote
a long, tightly reasoned concurring opinion which
concluded, after exhaustive consideration, that TM-plus-
SCI was a religious teaching (not a "Hindu religious
teaching") according to the definition of religion used
in First Amendment cases. 

He wrote the opinion because, basically, he thought
the majority opinion was too simplistic and that the
issue required further thought. He would no doubt be
disappointed to realize that his inability to instantly
recognize TM/SCI as a religion meant that he had less
than half a brain.

(And that's TM *plus* SCI, not just plain-vanilla TM.)

> Anyone with half a brain can plainly see, after looking
> behind the fraudulent TMO schlock and snake oil dance,
> that TM is indeed inextricably tied into the Hindu
> religion - and because of that it should not be
> incorporated into the US public education system.

> But I will say again that anyone with half a brain can
> plainly see, after looking behind the fraudulent TMO
> schlock and snake oil dance, that TM is indeed
> inextricably tied into the Hindu religion - and because
> of that it should not be incorporated into the US public
> education system.

> The fact remains that TM is indeed deeply and inextricably
> tied into the Hindu religion - and because of that it
> should not be incorporated into the US public education
> system.

You'd better say it a few more times, John, just to make
absolutely sure.


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