--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> What a showcase for "TM honesty" this week has
> been, eh? 
> If honesty was shit, you couldn't scrape enough
> off of Nabby, Off, and Judy to attract a single
> fly. A hungry fly. 

For the record, I have never, *ever* said anything
about TM on FFL that I thought wasn't true, this
week or any other.

Nor about anything else, for that matter (unless it
was an obviously intentional nonfactual statement
for effect).

For *Barry*, of all people, whose countless knowing
lies have been documented here on a regular basis,
to find fault with anybody else's honesty is so far
beyond hypocritical it redefines the term.

A further hypocrisy, of course, is that Barry has
frequently accused TMers of claiming TM critics
were lying simply because they disagreed. And here
he's doing precisely the same thing himself.

I mean, the jaw just drops.

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