--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Kirk" <kirk_bernha...@...> wrote:
> >>
> >> > Projection is an interesting concept -- explored in recent posts.
> >> > In my mind, any great put down, or compliment, is potentially 
> >> > projection.
> >> > When another sees extremes in others, good or bad, it raises in my mind
> >> > the question -- "how much of this is projection?"
> >>
> >>
> >> ---So when I am looking at Adrina Lima thinking how totally hot she is, I 
> >> am
> >> just projecting my own inner hotness?
> >
> >
> > Only you can say -- and possibly not even then. It brings up, in my mind, 
> > Plato's concepts of eternal forms. If Beauty is an etnernal form, and its 
> > found within each of us, then yes, seeing beauty in others is a projection 
> > of what is inside of us.
> >
> > But seeing beauty (or ugliness) in others might also be a compensating 
> > projection. That is, we lack something, and seeing more than meets the eye 
> > somehow fills that gap.
> >
> > Anyway, I am just speculating.
> ----So I guess my point is that we have the seeds of projection within us, 
> or we wouldn't reach out to others. We all come together in weakness to fill 
> a lack. We don't generally count our qualities and bring them to others who 
> lack, but the reverse, we consider our lack and reach out to others to fill 
> it.
> Needs direct us, and I feel it's a more Maslowvian hierarchy, as well 
> fulfiull certain needs we yet raise our sights to others to direct our 
> interest.

I think it works at both ends of the spectrum. When we are empty and flawed, we 
see that in others. Partly as a means to delude ourselves and to feel superior 
(certainly the need to feel superior is born of some great lack or emptiness 
inside). I may be a shithole, but if I see shitholness in you, and contrast my 
self to you, I feel better -- temporarily. Its a defense mechanism to not face 
our own shitholeness. To escape that pain of  facing it.

On the other hand, when you are happy or in love, the whole world seems that 
way -- life is wonderful, people of all sorts are wonderful, even pain can be 
seen as a joyful thing.  

And I don't necessarily think projection is bad. I think its the natural way of 
human perception and dominates it. Its always through our own glasses -- rose 
colored or through a glass darkly. Its "bad" when we project negative things on 
to things that are not inherently negative. 

But UC or BC are simply the ultimate projection -- everything in term of the 
unboundedness of the Self.  

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