--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, satvadude108 <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> > <snip>
> > > What a showcase for "TM honesty" this week has
> > > been, eh? 
> > > 
> > > If honesty was shit, you couldn't scrape enough
> > > off of Nabby, Off, and Judy to attract a single
> > > fly. A hungry fly. 
> > 
> > For the record, I have never, *ever* said anything
> > about TM on FFL that I thought wasn't true, this
> > week or any other.
> > 
> > Nor about anything else, for that matter (unless it
> > was an obviously intentional nonfactual statement
> > for effect).
> > 
> > For *Barry*, of all people, whose countless knowing
> > lies have been documented here on a regular basis,
> > to find fault with anybody else's honesty is so far
> > beyond hypocritical it redefines the term.
> > 
> > A further hypocrisy, of course, is that Barry has
> > frequently accused TMers of claiming TM critics
> > were lying simply because they disagreed. And here
> > he's doing precisely the same thing himself.
> > 
> > I mean, the jaw just drops.
> Why do you continually allege "countless knowing lies"  
> when the only documentation ever proffered is your
> belief?

Au contraire, Pierre. 

I mean "document" in the dictionary sense:

1 : to furnish documentary evidence of
2 : to furnish with documents
3 a : to provide with factual or substantial
support for statements made or a hypothesis
proposed; especially: to equip with exact
references to authoritative supporting

This applies primarily (but not exclusively) with
regard to his habit of misrepresenting what others
have said here or on alt.m.t, or even what he
himself has said. It doesn't seem to occur to him 
that there's a *record* of what has actually been

Of course, he tells lots of lies that I *can't*
document. I can't document, for example, that 
someone *never* said something he falsely attributes
to them. But the sheer volume of his documentable
misrepresentations *should* cause folks to realize
that they really can't trust anything he says.

Come to think of it, maybe I'm wrong about what
you're suggesting. Are you acknowledging his
misrepresentations but implying that I can't prove
he *knows* they're misrepresentations, that he 
genuinely believes them?

Because if that's the case, it would appear there's
even more serious pathology involved than that of
chronic lying.

 By comparison, you make Off and Nabby
> seem trustworthy. Have you ever made a count of the
> number of people on FFL that you have accused of
> being dishonest?

Never made a count, no. Have you?

> You seem distraught. Genuinely distraught.

You forget that I've been dealing with Barry's lies
for 15 years. Why would I only now become distraught?

> Knapp offers both telephone and online counseling.
> Maybe he could help you. 
> http://knappfamilycounseling.com/contact.html
> 518.651.6490 
> "Ethically, you do not have the right to state your
> belief as though what you believe were an established
> fact." -- Judy Stein
> "...over-the-top demonization is a sign
> that something just isn't right in the
> heads of those indulging in it."
> - Judy Stein

You probably should have checked out the original
posts rather than picking the quotes up from Barry
and assuming that he wasn't misrepresenting the

The first referred to Barry having stated, as if
it were an established fact--making a *huge* fuss
about it--that I had lied about something which
turned out to be completely true, having been
confirmed by the person involved.

(No apology when Barry found out he was wrong, not
even an *acknowledgment* thereof.)

"Over-the-top demonization" referred to accusations
by Vaj that MMY had committed murder and torture of

Be happy to provide you with documentation if you
don't believe me.

> "Vaj, like Barry, you're real good at swinging your
> dick. But when it comes time for consummation, it
> becomes as limp as an overcooked piece of cannned
> spaghetti."-- Judy Stein

Gee, I thought this was a pretty good crack. Comes
from alt.m.t back in 2005. Still true of both of
them (metaphorically, of course).

Actually, come to think of it, it's true of you
as well.

(I notice, by the way, that you don't address my
point about Barry's hypocrisy in claiming that TMers
are lying simply because he doesn't agree with them,
when that's what he is constantly accusing *us* of

Over and out for me this week...

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