From: []
On Behalf Of dhamiltony2k5
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 10:37 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count & Meditator Status
Hi, I come as a meditator to FFL.

Dear Rick, would make for a better discussion here with a new change to the
FFL guidelines:

Let's have posts to FFL start with concise declaratorys, like either one
that starts: "Hi, I come to FFL as a meditator." Or a second one that
starts: "Hi, I come to FFL as a non-meditator." 

Would just be more honest about what folks are and where they are writing
from. I'd like to see our FFL guidelines require that folks who are writing
here start either by declaring that they are meditators or start their posts
admitting that they are non-meditators. 

Transparency seems is a progressive theme of these times. Let's be more
transparent here too.

Jai Guru Dev, 
-Doug in FF
I still think you're spoofing. I don't see meditation practice as any
certain indicator of one's perspective, spiritual, political or whatever.
Think of the 30-40 year meditators you know. They're all over the map. Life
FF itself, FFL is open to all, whatever they practice or don't practice.
Their perspective will become obvious soon enough if they post regularly. No
need to declare it at the outset.

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