Hugo wrote:
> They lose me with Xenu though. 
You mean, compared to Vishnu or Krishna
in TM mythology?

How, exactly, did L. Ron lose you with 
Xenu, but the Marshy convinced you to 
believe in Vishnu or Krishna? 

Why would one guy be more believable than 
the other - because of the personality 
of L. Ron and the Marshy or due to you 
being logical or reasonable?

It's pretty apparent that Scientology has 
adapted many Indian myths in it's 

> Boy oh boy, do they.
But more importantly, how did you find 
out about Xenu? According to L. Ron, you 
would be dead by now for reading secret 
religious scriptures. 

>From what I've read, the Xenu story is 
part of the Church of Scientology's secret 
'Advanced Technology', and normally is 
only revealed to members who have already 
contributed large amounts of money!

So, I assume that you've given lots of 
money to both L. Ron and the Marshy, 
but why?

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