--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard M" <compost...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" <richardhughes103@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" 
> <willytex@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hugo wrote:
> > > > They lose me with Xenu though. 
> > > >
> > > You mean, compared to Vishnu or Krishna
> > > in TM mythology?
> > > 
> > > How, exactly, did L. Ron lose you with 
> > > Xenu, but the Marshy convinced you to 
> > > believe in Vishnu or Krishna? 
> > 
> > Because it sounds like a bad sci-fi novel.
> > And if I'd spent many thousands of pounds on
> > auditing and many years devotedly serving the
> > church only to be told a tale as tall as that
> > I'd be mighty pissed off!
> > 
> I'm going to 'out' myself:
> I quite enjoyed Travolta's "Battlefield Earth", reputedly "The worst 
> film ever made".
> There - I've said it. I feel better now.

You're not alone. I was pleasantly surprised too and
though it won't make my top hundred I can think of worse
sci-fi movies.

The book was rather good if a bit childish towards the 
end, and there was no shortage of good ideas. I particularly
liked the idea that the reason the earth was destroyed
in the first place was because the psychlos (aargh, I can
remember the name, nerd or what?) found the voyager probe
somewhere out it deep space and were delighted that a 
source of such rare metals came with a map attached to the
side showing from where it came from.

I think Travolta was unjustly maligned for making it.
But what I'd really like to see are Ron Hubbards original
attempts at movie making with a cast of scientlogists trying
to act and home-made sets. I imagine something more awful
than Edward D Wood's Plan 9 From Outer Space which manages to
be a masterpiece somehow.


It's a must see. Bela Lugosi inconveniently died during
filming and his part was finished by the directors nephew
(I think) who didn't look anything like him and so held his
cape over his face. Treat yourself.

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