On Jul 22, 2009, at 3:33 PM, yifuxero wrote:

> ---Vaj...your endless broken record on a claim that mindfulness is  
> non-dual but TM produces duality is nonsensical without  
> clarification re: exactly what you are talking about.  Be more  
> specific, then your ideas (if fruitful) might wallow inside  
> somebody's head a few seconds rather than going in one ear and out  
> the other.  I'm listening.....but haven't heard much.

There you go again claiming I said things I never have said! I've  
never said that mindfulness meditation is nondual meditation. It could  
be just be that you're not ripe for understanding, I dunno. I find  
many TM fans are stuck in a fallacious mindset, and have a hard time  
getting what different forms of meditation are about, whether it's  
different forms of Hindu meditation or whatever. This is certainly not  
their fault, as TM teachers are not taught the important differences.  
They mostly get that different states of consciousness have different  
qualities and that cognition is different, but fail to grasp that  
there are different styles of meditation for those differing states of  
consciousness: 'meditative praxis (or non-praxis) is structured in  
consciousness'. My only conclusion is that (possibly) the danger of  
buying into a system of practice, without critical thinking or  
questioning and comparison causes one to become blinded by their  

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