---On the contrary!  In terms of comparisons (as a percentile)...; I'd be in 
the upper 1% in terms of real investigations.  In the Sant Mat tradition alone 
I've been initiaed by Kirpal Singh, Paul Twitchell, Charan Singh, Thakur Singh, 
Darshan Singh; and am familiar with the teachings of a number of other such 
 In Buddhism (....etc).
I've investigated TM thoroughly, having practiced it continuously since 1967; 
but unlike you, I have no particular biased "investment" in anything other than 
strictly scientific evaluations.  If somebody came to me and said: try 
(standing on my head and rubbing my tummy...) saying that would be of some 
benefit, I would give it a try.
It's simply that your anti-TM/anti-MMY attitude sucks; smacking of some 
underlying mental aberration.
I'm not a MMY-bot; but your ongoing diatribes are most unusual.

In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Jul 22, 2009, at 3:33 PM, yifuxero wrote:
> > ---Vaj...your endless broken record on a claim that mindfulness is  
> > non-dual but TM produces duality is nonsensical without  
> > clarification re: exactly what you are talking about.  Be more  
> > specific, then your ideas (if fruitful) might wallow inside  
> > somebody's head a few seconds rather than going in one ear and out  
> > the other.  I'm listening.....but haven't heard much.
> There you go again claiming I said things I never have said! I've  
> never said that mindfulness meditation is nondual meditation. It could  
> be just be that you're not ripe for understanding, I dunno. I find  
> many TM fans are stuck in a fallacious mindset, and have a hard time  
> getting what different forms of meditation are about, whether it's  
> different forms of Hindu meditation or whatever. This is certainly not  
> their fault, as TM teachers are not taught the important differences.  
> They mostly get that different states of consciousness have different  
> qualities and that cognition is different, but fail to grasp that  
> there are different styles of meditation for those differing states of  
> consciousness: 'meditative praxis (or non-praxis) is structured in  
> consciousness'. My only conclusion is that (possibly) the danger of  
> buying into a system of practice, without critical thinking or  
> questioning and comparison causes one to become blinded by their  
> passivity.

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