On Jul 22, 2009, at 4:38 PM, yifuxero wrote:

> I've investigated TM thoroughly, having practiced it continuously  
> since 1967; but unlike you, I have no particular biased "investment"  
> in anything other than strictly scientific evaluations.

Well then hopefully you ARE able to look at the science, understand it  
and be honest with that. I am. Many others, less so. So you see it's  
not a matter of "anti", it's a matter of pro (relative) truth.

>  If somebody came to me and said: try (standing on my head and  
> rubbing my tummy...) saying that would be of some benefit, I would  
> give it a try.
> It's simply that your anti-TM/anti-MMY attitude sucks; smacking of  
> some underlying mental aberration.
> I'm not a MMY-bot; but your ongoing diatribes are most unusual.

Again, this is your projection. I merely was responding to Willy's  
factual faux pas. If people don't like that: too fuckin' bad. I  
respond to factual inaccuracies, lies and misstatements as I see them  
and when I see fit, whether they are historical ('Marshy's a life-long  
celibate and yogi!'), scientific ('science shows TM to be the bestest  
there is!') or spiritual ('TM is effortless!'). If you want to  
maintain the lying status quo, you're welcome to your delusions, just  
as Willy is. Perhaps it comforts you.

And you are a TM-bot IMO.

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