> > All the Self-realized teachers in India
> > practice 'TM', but they might not call
> > their practice TM, but they all practice
> > a meditation that is transcendental.
> >
Bhairitu wrote:
> The term TM means "Transcendental Meditation as
> taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi." We all said
> that in our intro lectures. Didn't you?
You need to cut the bullshit, Barry - there's no
'TM' - you guys made that up. Everyone on the
planet meditates. There's probably not a person
alive who doesn't once or twice pause to take
stock of their own mental contents. And everyone
is transcending too, all the time, even without
a technique. Meditation is just what intelligent
people do. You're trying to sell water down by
the river.

> Oh that's right you never became a teacher.
I've been a teacher for over fifty years. I was
a Zen Master before I even tried TM, so why would
I want to teach TM? But, I've been teaching a
meditation that is transcendental ever since I
learned TM, but I don't call it TM.

> Self-realized yogis most likely got an
> initiation far removed the TM seven steps.
There's only one Transcendetal, and some of the
Self-realized yogis didn't get intiated by anyone.
But they all realized the Absolute, one way or
another. That's why they are called Vedantists,
they went beyond the material world, they
transcended the world of name and form, they
went beyond the relative, and transcended time
and space.

> They got a guru mantra from their guru who was
> an acharya.
I don't think Shri Aurobindo or the Ramana Marshy
got a "guru mantra" from anyone, ot that they had
an "acharya" to get one from.

> This seed mantra is often too powerful to be
> given just to anyone.
Millions of people got a seed mantra or a bija
from the Marshy, and millions of people said
they enjoyed. There must be billions of people
out there who use bija mantras in their
meditation these days. Why are you TMers so

> The guru determines if you can handle one or
> not.  This whole practice is far removed from
> the dime-store meditation at a Neiman-Marcus
> price that TM is that you can't compare the
> two.
> BTW, you can transcend watching analog
> television too.  Should we call that
> "transcendental meditation" too?
According to the Marshy, any technique that
provides an opprotunity for transcending can be
termed Transcendental Meditation.

> IOW, your definition is WAY TOO BROAD!

All the Upanishadic teachers were
transcendentalists. All the Self-realized
masters practiced a meditation that is

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