Share Long:
> I'm curious about the food associated with Mr. 
> Lenz and his courses.
Those unfortunate to be coerced into joining the Lenz 
cult ate Ramen noodles, for the most part. 

After giving Lenz a sizable tithe every month for 
spiritual instruction, his followers didn't have much 
money left over for fancy food. 

And, after getting their brain washed real good, they 
probably were just robots, which don't require much 
food anyway, except maybe ice cream in the evening. 


"Lenz has claimed to be one of only twelve truly 
enlightened people on Earth. The enlightened twelve 
also, he claimed, included his dog Vayu."


Frederick Lenz:

Titles of interest:

'Take Me For a Ride'
Coming Of Age In A Destructive Cult
by Mark E. Laxer
Outer Rim Press, 1993  

> > Would you mind rapping about Majorca for a minute? 
> > I have been offered a crib there for a vacation with 
> > my GF from a Scandinavian couple living here, who 
> > owns a place, but never goes there.
> > 
> > I'm imagining fresh octopus and sardines right off 
> > the boat, simmering in olive oil, and then hit with 
> > lemon before serving. It is on the side that faces 
> > Ibiza right on the water. The connection with the 
> > old movement days adds a comic twist to it all. 
> > Any thoughts?
> Almost none, sorry. While there on TTC I was 
> a good little TM robot and pretty much stayed
> in the hotel rounding my ass off. No tourism
> whatsoever, barely even a walk along the beach.
> And later, while living in Spain, I never got
> over there. So I really can't tell you much
> about the place. 
> The only food-related thing I can remember is
> how fresh the almonds tasted. Any food we had
> there on TM courses had pretty much been ruined
> by TMO cooks, and wouldn't have reflected the
> local culture at all.

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