> As it says somewhere in the Upanishads (I think)
> "To a man of awakened intellect, the Vedas are
> of as much use as a small pool of water in a
> place where there are pools of water on every
> side."
"Two birds sat in a tree; one ate the fruit;
another looked on." - Shvetashvatara 4.7

On 8/5/2013 7:21 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:

"What could non-meditators have to say that has worthwhile perspective?"

This does imply Buck, that you feel non-meditators of every stripe have nothing to offer to the world. That means you think the vast majority of the world has nothing to offer.

That kind of elitist mind set is one of the reasons I no longer do TM. Feste was a faculty member at MIU in the 1980's so I bet Feste was a sidha or governor.

Either way, from my point of view, not doing TM is not a tragedy nor is it throwing it away. The whole point to TM was supposed to be getting one to the state where one no longer needs to meditate. As it says somewhere in the Upanishads (I think) "To a man of awakened intellect, the Vedas are of as much use as a small pool of water in a place where there are pools of water on every side."

Supposin' those of us who no longer meditate feel Pure Awareness all day long whether we are waking or sleeping? What's the point of closing the eyes to experience what you are experiencing with your eyes open?

There are a lot of reasons to not meditate regularly and none of them are tragic. One of the things I enjoy about not doing TM is that I no longer experience fatigue in the late afternoon. All the years I did TM, I would get tired around 3 or 4 pm, especially if I could not for some reason do the afternoon meditation. Now I go till 9 pm without fatigue which is when I get sleepy. Then I sleep.

*From:* Buck <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com>
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Monday, August 5, 2013 7:53 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditators

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com <mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@...> wrote:
> So Buck do you consider everyone who ever learned the sidhis to still be a sidha or governor even if they don't do them and don't do TM?

Dear MJ;
Well, we are identified by the things we do. Yur a meditator or yur not in this case. Yur a 'practicing' sidha or yur not. Likewise a Governor. In our case here, Yur a practitioner or yur a quitter. Of course people will split hairs many more ways. It sounds like Feste is a non-meditator quitter as in once learned meditation and just does not do it. Like if I remember right you are a meditator, as in learned to meditate and you meditate now. It is the only reason I bother to read yur posts here. What could non-meditators have to say that has worthwhile perspective? That someone could learn meditation and throw it away is tragedy beyond reason. I'm a practical guy, no philosopher,I meditate and I use Patanjali all the time too, a sidha too.
I got to git to morning meditation at the Dome right now.
Jai Brahmananda Saraswati,
> ________________________________
> From: Buck
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com <mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 8:23 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Meditators
> Â
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com <mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com>, "feste37" <feste37@> wrote:
> >
> > One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they have never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a start, although I have done in the past.
> >
> Dear Feste, you don't meditate? Om Jeez. Yur a non-meditator? I am going to have to re-set my FFL spam filter again. This is really disaffecting to find this out now. I thought you were one of us all along. Wait, you mean you're not a meditator but you're a sidha? Like, not just a meditator but a citizen or governor? But most of the meditating town are meditators (common denominator) and don't do the sidhis anymore (a factor). Like, people here be Meditators but not coming to the Dome program the movement offers. There's only about 300-plus coming to the Dome TM-sidhis program now with the failure and collapse of the Invincible America Meditation. So really you're a meditator too. Aren't you? What do you mean? Just wondering,
> -Buck, the Conservative and Group Meditator Still in the Dome

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