
Nice that we all can agree on so much here.
"World Peace is just a matter of money", (to support the group program).
Evidently it should be better if we all would support the program more.
On 11/2/2014 4:42 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
We certainly agree on this. The ONLY purpose of "group program" was to demand money.
/The group program and residence courses I attended never demanded more money. In fact one nice weekend retreat with Jerry Jarvis at the Berkeley TM Center was only a few dollars donation.//Go figure./
The longer it doesn't work, the more opportunities there are to demand more money.
/This where the cognitive dissonance comes in:/

/According to what I've read, Rama demanded a minimum of $1000 pledge in cash, a month in advance, in order to learn just the location of the group program. If the meeting was out in the Mohave Desert or in Paris, France, students were required to pay for their own transportation, food and lodging.

Nobody was allowed to ride with Rama in his Porsche 911./

/If students could not or would not meet Rama's cash demands, they got kicked out of the cult and shunned until they paid up and signed a written contract for future lessons. If students got behind on their dues they were put on probation and had to wash and wax Rama's car every week for a month or two.

If and when your dues were current, you might get to watch Rama slowly lift up off of a sofa at a Denny's Restaurant in downtown L.A./
Endless loop, paid for by idiots like Doug Hamilton.
/Non sequitur./

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