--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hermandan0 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ----begin quoted----
> How long must one study before learning to fly?
> The ***hovering mainly happens with people studying full time***
> [emphasis added]. But once a person learns Transcendental 
> within just two months they can start advanced courses. 
> --- end quote---

My guess is that this shouldn't be considered an
official movement claim of widespread hovering,
but rather either a misquote by the reporter, or
inadvertent misspeaking by Fietler, more likely the

I suspect what Fietler had in mind to say was
something along the lines of, "It isn't likely you'd
ever hover unless you were studying full time."  Or,
"There have been some reports of hovering, but mostly
only from those studying full time."

For that matter, I rather doubt doubt Fietler used
the word "studying."  That was probably the reporter's
(mis)interpretation, based on the TM "course"
terminology, of a phrase more like "on the program
full time."  In most contexts, "course" implies

I've never heard a movement person use the term
"studying" for practice of TM or the TM-Sidhis.  So I
think the supposed quotes from Fietler may well not
all be verbatim, but rather the reporter's imprecise
paraphrases.  We just saw recently the Washington
Post travel reporter bungle Robert Roth's description
of TM, quoting him as saying it's a "deep breathing"

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