On Dec 9, 2006, at 2:07 PM, Peter wrote:

--- "Richard J. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

llundrub wrote:
TM is not different from Dzogchen.

So, you're saying that Dzogchen is non-different
from TM.

When one past thought has ceased and a future
has not yet arisen, "in that gap, in between",
a conciousness of the present moment; "fresh,
by even a hair's breadth of concept, a luminous,
awareness." That is what Rigpa is, according to

'TM, Dzogchen, and staying in the View'

However for many simply the cessation of thoughts does
not give rise to pure consciousness because of the
foundational projection/identification of
consciousness with chitta. Cessation of
thought/vrittis in chitta while identification is
still present is a laya and not samadhi. I believe
many of the decades long meditators are stuck in a
laya when they meditate. They experience peace and,
bliss, but it rarely moves into pure consciousness.

Wow, thanks for saying this. I couldn't agree more.

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