> > me.  I'm wasing my time with you, Jim.
> >
> ??? I don't get it. You are a first for me too-- despite my hundreds 
> of posts here on FFL, some in strong disagreement with others, I 
> have not yet dealt with someone like yourself, who, on the one hand, 
> repeatedly tells me I am not addressing the issue, and on the other, 
> refuses to clarify it. Further, every time *I* attempt to clarify 
> it, which I have done 4 or 5 times, am told I am tap dancing, 
> evasive, BSing, etc. At this point I don't even know what you want 
> to discuss, much less resolve. 
> You appear to have a set of assumptions you are making and I have no 
> idea what those are, which I am then accused of obscuring. Very 
> strange. Anyway, good luck?:-)

No assumptions, Jim. Very specific items.

Either you have a convenient ability to forget what I wrote to you or
you're just being dishonest. Below is what I wrote to you. I've
summarized it below that:

I don't agree that Maharishi is "so perfectly attuned with the
Divine." I believe that Maharishi is very advanced and has some
spiritual 'powers'. But I don't think he's tuned to the Divine such
that he's immune from doing wrong [adharmic] things.

> Important to realize that Maharishi always has in his heart to start
> people meditating,

You could have fooled me. Some of the decisions he's made have
accomplished just the opposite. A clear, gross example was his banning
of initiations in Great Britain.

Some of his decisions about closing TM Centers and some of the bizarre
projects he's promoted and abandoned have left the public in a state
of aversion, to say the least. The King Tony stuff is just nuts in my

Hell, I was a gung ho TM initiator for years, but Maharishi, after a
while lost his credibility for me. I still swear by the Transcendental
Meditation and it's source in the Holy Tradition with Guru Dev as its
present spiritual representative. But I think Maharishi has 'left the
building' when it comes to any connectedness to the real outer world
with regard to 'spreading the teaching'.

> that those listening to him may be listening for
> the first time, so there is repetition, and a mini intro lecture in
> most of his talks. I agree with nablus too, that there are often
> nuggets of gold hidden among the repitition. Maharishi has taught us
> all a technique that stands on its own and doesn't need the constant
> favor and inspiration of a teacher. Better to grow bored of him if
> that is your tendency and find the treasure trove on your own.

It isn't a matter of "boredom" to me. It's a matter of spiritual
legitimacy. I'm appalled at his pitches for money for example - and
the question of what happens to all of it when he gets it.

> Easy
> enough to do with clear intentions and enough practice; "Practice
> makes perfect".:-)

Like I said, it isn't about the TM technique, it's about Maharishi.
Advancement on the path doesn't mean you throw your brains out the
window and ignore the weird abberations in people's behavior, even in
Just to make it more specific and simple:

Banning initiations in Great Britain

Closing TM Centers

Promoting and abandoning bizarre costly projects

The King Tony stuff

Pitches for mega amounts of cash

The disappearance of millions of those dollars after he gets them

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