On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 5:51 PM, Gene Heskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> I've been with redhat/fedora for a bit over 10 years now for my main
> machine.
> When F8 support ends, I think that will be grounds for a divorce.  I'm
> tired
> of the "keep the good stuff on the other side of the pond for legal
> reasons"
> BS that is endlessly repeated from Research Triangle Park.  Why the hell
> should we be 2nd class citizens?

Do you have the time to actively maintain a fork of ffmpeg that uses a
mature runtime detectable plugin framework that allows us to separate out
specifically encumbered bits from the bits of ffmpeg that we can ship?
Because that is exactly what its going to take.

A lot of applications sit on top of ffmpeg and ffmpeg is structured that you
have to make compile time choices as to what sort of functionality it
exposes. We could include a crippled ffmpeg stack and the applications which
make use of it that let us work with a subset of codecs but because of
ffmpeg's lack of runtime functionality detection..those applications could
not be supplimented with additional codec support via plugins from

So as a result we dont include anything which needs ffmpeg as a build time
dependancy, because we have been reluctant to provide cut down applications
which can not be supplimented with plugins for additional functionality.

Sucks.. but the ffmpeg developers made a framework chose that is incredibly
Unlike xine...unlike gstreamer. If you want mature video editting in
Fedora..support new application codebases which make use of gstreamer as a
framework and do not directly relying on ffmpeg. pitivi could use some solid
developer love.

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